Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
Annual Bicycle "Tour of the Lakes"... June 7, 2003 |
23 ham operators from the
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club handled communications for the Annual
Bicycle Run known as the "Tour of the Lakes" on June
7th. It was headquartered at the Crosslake Community Center.
Front row, L to R - Terry KIØFW, Al WØRC, Shirley KCØDCW (Standing), Steve WØTNT, and George KCØBH. Second row - Jim KBØTXT, Sharon KBØSQXl, Kathy KØTHY, Alan AAØAAS, Art NØTNJ, Jack WØJEM, Keith AGØH, Greg NØLJY, Roger WØWUG. Back row, Curt NØCRM, Lyle KØLR, and Annie (friend of WØWUG). Background on left is Jim KCØANQ. Not shown: Joe NØUMEl, Gene KØTIW, Katie KBØDKD, Bob KGØZK, John W3MQD, and Eldon WØMQO. |
Here is Joe Bayliss NØUME in a car in the Crosslake area. |
John Meyers W3MQD and Eldon Reeves WØMQO in front of the BAARC Communications Trailer. |
I would like to thank George KCØBH for handling the net control duties and his able assistant Terry KIØFW. Ken KAØJSW and Jim KCØANQ for coordinating the event and Jack WØJEM and Keith AGØH for picking up and setting up the Communications trailer.
A big thank you to all the other members that showed up and did an excellent job of communications and control for the event. A total of 797 (+ or - 5 percent) bikers passed checkpoint Delta, the split between the short route (35 miles) and the long route (71 miles). The weather was perfect for biking and the food at the rest stops was great. Al WØRC, BAARC President
This page was last updated 12/19/2006 Ø