Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Club Communications Trailer |
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Club members at a BAARC Summer Dinner on May 30th, 2002. The trailer was on display for all to see. |
BAARC Radio Communications Trailer Update from Terry May KIØFW:
My thanks to all that have contributed to making our club Communications Trailer a reality. I’m excited to see things take shape. The trailer is nearing completion I would like to make a summary of the contributors. Hopefully this list will be comprehensive, but please accept my apologies if I’ve omitted names or contributions – and please notify me of any omissions, and I’ll make corrections in the next BAARCer.
1. Idea for using a construction-type of trailer, and modifying it: Al WØRC and Shirley KCØDCW.
2. Donation of an RV, which was subsequently sold, and proceeds used to purchase the Construction trailer, and 3000 Watt generator: John W3MQD and Vi Myers.
Arrangement of purchase of the trailer, and purchase and transport of the trailer from the Twin Cities: Al WØRC and Shirley KCØDCW.4. Donation of a 400 Watt generator: Bob WØZPE.
5. Individuals purchasing and transporting construction materials for refurbishing the trailer: Al WØRC, Bob WØZPE, and Terry KIØFW.
6. Temporary protective storage of the trailer, and providing tools for use on refurbishing the trailer: Bob WØZPE.
7. Wiring necessary heavy-duty cables from generator-to-trailer, and rewiring 110 volt system in the trailer: Al WØRC. Also Al did the necessary entrances for the 110 volt system and grounding and 12 volt lead-in systems.
8. Planning 12 volt system, battery box, wiring lead-ins: Art NØTNJ, along with lots of assistance from Al WØRC.
9. Construction of inside benches and table: Bob WØZPE and Terry KIØFW. And Bob also did much of the finish work inside, including hanging a cabinet.
10. Shirley KCØDCW and Sharon KBØSQX plan to make cushions for the bench seats in the trailer.
11. Window treatments for all windows (Venetian style blinds) and several wall plaques: Orcy WØQT.
12. Jon KBØMNM plans to make an “on air” sign for the trailer.
The following is a list of contributors and contributions of other materials:
Bob WØZPE: push-up 40 foot mast. Also a cordless drill. Oak cabinet, ice chest, battery charger.
Jim KCØANQ: tool box, and 12 amp power supply, extension cord.
Mark WØMH: donated a multi-meter, plus hand tools (plus assisted in offering advice re antenna lead-ins), log book, antenna mount.
Curt NØCRM : 100 foot extension cord.
Ken KAØJSW: copper-J 2 meter antenna and a 2 meter radio.
Lyle KØLR: multi element yagi 2 meter antenna.
Fritz WØKO: log book, coffee pot.
Additionally, there have been 5 anonymous donors of cash, totaling $490.00, towards purchase of a new HF rig for the trailer. George KCØBH, reading our club web page while wintering in warmer climes, noted our project and sent a contribution of $200.00.
Want/Need list for BAARC Communications Trailer: 20 Amp power supply, 80 meter inverted V antenna, 2 desk lamps, new radio club banner, soldering irons, hand tools, guy ropes, deep-cycle 12-volt battery, and coaxial cable.
The Communications Trailer should be a wonderful asset for our club; it will likely prove to be of great benefit in our many community activities, Field Day and other events, and disaster situations. Again, many thanks to the individuals that have contributed many hours of their time, and labor, and to the individuals that have made material donations to the project.
Terry KIØFW Club
Trailer Project Coordinator.
This page was last updated 02/15/2009 Ø