United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Translator Work...January 21, 2004

(l-r) Roger Williams WØWUG, Al Doree WØRC, and Mark Persons WØMH worked at the Club Station on Wednesday, January 21st, on filters for new translators.  Al brought the filters, which he purchased for the club recently.  Mark brought a spectrum analyzer, shown in the center with the video screen pointing up.  Roger brought the know-how to tune the filters.  The three are around the seven-cavity filter that will be used for the new Crosslake repeater, which will be on 147.03+.  In the photo, to the left of them, are four cavity filters that will be used for the new 6-meter repeater in Brainerd.  

It took three hours of concentrated effort, soldering cables, and careful tuning to get the filters set for the new repeaters.  Stay tuned for turn-on dates.  

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