United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

New 6-Meter Repeater   August 23, 2004

Al Doree WØRC and Roger Williams WØWUG putting the finishing touches on the new 6-meter repeater.  It is atop the 12-story high-rise apartment building in Brainerd.

Roger is next to the four-cavity filter system.  The repeater is the brown and beige box on the floor to the right.  

The 6 meter repeater is now up and running at the Brainerd High Rise as of August 23rd thanks to the expertise of Roger Williams WØWUG.  I think he knows every resistor and capacitor by their first names when it comes to the GE Mastr II equipment.  Roger spent many hours getting it to work and installing the controller and programming it. Roger and Mark Persons WØMH also tuned up the duplexer to make it work.

Also thanks to Alan Sherburn AAØAS for helping get the equipment to the building and installing the antenna.  There were also several other people who helped install the antenna on the north east corner of the high rise.

The frequency is 52.110 MHz input, 53.110 MHz output with a tone of 123.0 Hz.  Please give it a try if you have the capabilities and let me know the coverage area of it.  Thanks again for all who helped


Al Doree WØRC, BAARC President

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