United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

March of Dimes(WalkAmerica)....May 7,  2005

The 2005 Brainerd March of Dimes Walk-America was a tremendous success. Over 90 walkers raised money that will be used for prevention of premature births and birth defects. Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club operators who assisted in the event were: Terry KIØFW, Jon KBØMNM, Cris KCØNGK, John WØJGY, and Steve WØTNT. The operators were stationed at busy intersections and were responsible for reporting the progress of the walk and providing general communication assistance. The five-mile walk, which started and finished at Central Lakes College, took only two hours to complete. A special thanks to our radio operators for a job well done.


BAARC Community Event Coordinator  John Luce WØJGY  

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