United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Brainerd Area Hamfest  Saturday, July 16, 2005

The 2005 Brainerd Area Hamfest...(5th Annual) 

A great group of hams setting up the tables and cooked food on Friday afternoon.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

This is the Brainerd Area Hamfest Talk-In.

The talk-in station was manned by Jim KØTXT.  June KCØNGL handled the Handi-Ham table.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Donuts and Coffee...it doesn't get any better.

Hamfest patrons lined up to check gear at the Club Table.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Welcome to the Brainerd Area Hamfest

Hamfest Chairman, Al WØRC, greets Bernie KØIMN, who recently underwent heart surgery.  

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Love those Heathkits

Those Heathkits remind me of my younger days.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Radio City at your service

Radio City was on hand with plenty of new radios.  We thank them for being a part of the Brainerd Area Hamfest.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Lyle KØLR and others at the Hamfest.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Orcy WØQT at the Radio Shack booth manned by Jim WØIRE.  

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Mike KØBUD and Skip KSØJ, ARRL Minnesota Section Manager, talking the future of Ham Radio.   

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

This is where you meet old friends.

Hamfests are where old friends meet.  

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

The best cooking in town was at the Brainerd Area Hamfest on July 16th.  

(l-r) Shirley KCØDCW, Vi Myers(wife of John W3MQD), Sharon KBØSQX, and Paula WØHA.  

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Winner of the Icom IC-V8 2-Meter Hand-Held Transceiver was Emily Hart, granddaughter of Fritz WØKO.  Emily has been studying for her Technician class license and hopes to take the exam soon.  She is wearing her grandmother's KØMAH hat.    

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Thank you for the 2-meter handheld transceiver I won at the 2005 Brainerd Area Hamfest. It was my first Hamfest and was a lot of fun. By the next Hamfest, I should have my license. Sincerely, Emily Hart (grand-daughter of WØKO, Fritz Bertelt and KØMAH, Judy Bertelt)

John Cook KCØUTE and his daughter Candice of Sauk Rapids, MN, won the Yaesu FT-2100M 2-Meter Transceiver.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

I attend the Brainerd Area Hamfest and ended up winning the drawing for the Yaesu FT-2100.  A very big thank-you to all of the BAARC members and the organizers of the event.  I did purchase a few items as well and was happy and pleasantly greeted by the members and sellers.  All in all was a very good first Hamfest experience for me.  Thank you all again!  73"s  John Cook KCØUTE

Thanks to the following for their donations to the  
Brainerd Area Hamfest on July 15, 2005:

Applebee's Restaurant at 15240 Dellwood Drive in Baxter.  218-833-1405.  http://applebees.com   1  $10 Gift Certificate

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 560 Delwood Drive north in Baxter and 122 C Street NE in Brainerd.  218-829-1325.  http://www.kfc.com  1 Buffet with drink

Craguns Conference and Golf Resort on the west side of Gull Lake north of Brainerd/Baxter, MN.  http://www.craguns.com   218-825-2700.  50% off golf for two including cart.

Bonanza   Restaurant at 650 Dellwood Drive. North, Baxter, MN.  828-1415    4  $5 gift certificates

Mills Fleet Farm  300 Dellwood Drive North in Baxter, MN.  http://www.fleetfarm.com  218-829-1565   1  $25 gift certificate

Radiall Larsen  Vancouver, WA.  http://www.radialllarsen.com  1-800-ANTENNA.  1 certificate for any mobile antenna from their catalog.

Batteries Plus 14775 Edgewood Drive, Baxter, MN.   http://www.batteriesplus.com  218-824-8888  2  $25 gift certificate

Menards 15236 Dellwood Drive Drive North, Baxter, MN.   http://menards.com  218-825-7300  1  folding insulated cooler

Northwind Grille  603 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN.  218-829-1551  3  $5 gift certificates  

ARRL  Newington, CT.   http://www.arrl.org   1 - DVD and 2 - Books                                         

They support us, please support them.

About 200 people attended the Brainerd Area Hamfest.  The weather was bright and sunny with 87 Degrees.

E-mail Comment:  My friend and I had a good time at the Hamfest. The prices were right, the people were all friendly as usual.  Hope to see you next year. ..Jim Le Blanc Hackensack, MN.

Congratulations on a great effort today with your Hamfest.   Its a lot of thankless work but I for one want you guys to know how much I appreciate your good work.  Mike KØBUD

Brainerd Area Hamfest Chairman Al Doree WØRC

Well, believe it or not, another Hamfest has come and gone. Time really flies when your having fun….This was an ARRL sanctioned Hamfest. Skip KSØJ represented the ARRL.

I would like to thank the following members for their hard work and dedication with this years Hamfest:

Sharon KBØSQX and Shirley KCØDCW for spending all day Friday cooking and all day Saturday working in the kitchen preparing and selling the fine Chili.

Jim WØIRE for manning the “Radio Shack” table with Radio Shack products and organizing the setup and take down crew of Charles W5CCL, Jim WØJDS at the front door, John WØJGY, Dave KCØTGT, Emcee, Dave KBØVYI, Al KCØGWB, Lyle KØLFV, Mark WØMH, at the club table, Greg NØLJY, John W3MQD, Roger WØWUG, Ed KAØEXB and Jack WØJEM at the back door.

Fritz WØKO and granddaughter Emily did an outstanding job selling Raffle tickets.

Terry KIØFW and Jim KØTXT handled the talk-in duties again this year.

June KCØNGL was at the Handi-Ham table. Marv WØYHE got up early and put the Hamfest signs out around town. Bob KGØZK, Paula WØHA and Vi Myers also helped out in the kitchen and Marilyn Amundson for selling doughnuts.

A special thanks to everyone that baked cookies, bars and brownies that were very popular again this year. John W3MQD handled all the money for the event. I’m probably forgetting someone, so thanks if you were there and I forgot to mention you. Again Radio City was our commercial radio vendor anchor.

While the attendance and table sales were a little down this year, there were contributing factors such as the 7th day of record breaking hot weather, $2.20 a gallon gas, family vacation time, poor band conditions, poor economy and E-Bay. Attendance at Hamfests has been down a lot recently so all in all I think we did pretty well. We made a good profit, met and visited with fellow hams and had a good time.

Again, Thanks to everyone that helped out again this year73 de Al, WØRC

-- The next Brainerd Area Hamfest is July 15, 2006.  Hope to see you there --

Congratulations on a great effort with the Brainerd Area Hamfest. It is a lot of thankless work but I for one want you guys to know how much I appreciate your good work. Hamfests are down. Dayton was lonely this year! So were other area fests. The hobby is taking it on the chin right now but that often happens on this cycle of the sunspots. Add to that the economy and the internet and we have a challenge. But, the bands will return and the forthcoming FCC relaxing of the rules for the hobby should bring promise of new folks to flood hour Hamfest aisles. We are taking a year or two off from Hamfest MN till things get better.

It takes more than $20,000 to open our doors and even outside here is expensive. We might move to outside next year for a year or two and then return when things get better. But, in the meantime, I will support you as best I can. Let me know if there is anyway I can help your

Hamfest in the future. Many thanks. Mike KØBUD

Hamfest Minnesota, is the Hamfest that for 20 years has entertained more than 50,000 guests. As you know Hamfest Minnesota has been the largest Hamfest ever presented in our area, brought you some of the most famous amateurs as speakers, and given you hundreds of prizes and hours of enjoyment in our hobby.

Over the past few years the attendance at Hamfests across the country, including Dayton, has fallen significantly. The Internet, the economy and now even the weak HF bands have brought fewer and fewer people to these amateur radio gatherings. The last few years, Hamfest Minnesota along with other area Hamfests have actually lost money. The question has to be asked should Hamfests like Hamfest Minnesota be continued as they loose money and attract fewer people.

The Board of Directors of the Twin City FM Club has left the decision of what to do about a first class Hamfest that can no longer support itself to me. After conferring with many Officers of the Club and others in the local community, I have decided to not present Hamfest Minnesota this year. We were able to cancel our contract with the St Paul River Centre for this year. As the economy improves and as amateur radio shows some recovery, and especially if the FCC allows more into our hobby with a less stringent code requirement, we will go ahead with plans to bring your Hamfest Minnesota in 2006.

I want to thank all the many who have worked on Hamfest Minnesota this year and in the past, and all of you that have supported our great Show. Although we will not present Hamfest Minnesota this year it is our intent to bring it back next year. Thank you for your understanding and wonderful support. Paul, WGØG

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø