United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Bike Tour aided by BAARC on Saturday, October 7, 2006

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club handled communications at the Tour of Cuyuna Bike Tour on October 7th.  The ride started at 8 AM at the Crosby-Ironton High School.  There was an 8-mile Family Tour, a 30-mile Short Tour that will include a loop around the south side of Serpent Lake, and a 70-mile Long Tour that will extend over to Aitkin and include a loop around the south side of Farm Island Lake.  There were 4 rest stops for the riders and Hams that provided food and refreshments. 
The Tour of Crosby Bike Tour proved to be a very enjoyable and successful public service eventThe BAARC Emergency Communications trailer was stationed at the Cuyuna/Mahnomen Overlook because the club found it necessary to operate on a simplex channel.  The elevation was crucial in being able to reach over to the Aitkin area.      

John WØJGY towed the trailer to and from the hill and helped with setup.  He also was a sag wagon rider during the tour.

Dave KBØTGT helped with setup of the trailer, and also setup APRS.  He did an excellent job as Net Control for the event.

Lyle KØLFV helped with setup of the BAARC trailer and also served as a liaison for communications with the event organizers.

Shirley KCØDCW was a sag wagon rider as well. Jim WØIRE, Jim WØJDS, Jon KBØMNM, Curt NØCRM, and Al KCØGWB worked at the rest stops.

Terry KIØFW and Dave's dog Sammy.

The event went very smoothly . . . very few calls for assistance and bike repairs.  The tour organizers were very appreciative of our participation and they anticipate that this may be a yearly event for them. 

The weather was warm and pleasant although it was a bit windy at times up on the hill


Terry May

I really appreciate the BAARC volunteers and the great job that they did.

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø