The Brainerd Area
Amateur Radio Club held a Special Event on the air on
Saturday, December 9th, to celebrate the "Winter Wonderland" of the
Brainerd Lakes Area in
Winter subjects discussed were ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing,
sledding, and great hamming on cold winter nights.
There were 154 contacts to 35 states, Puerto Rico, four provinces in
Canada, and two Canadian islands. That included at least four
mobile stations during the six hour event.
8-1/2" x 11" special event certificate is available to stations making contact
during the event. To get one,
send a QSL card and a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) to:
Fournier KCØTGT
P. O. Box 198
Ironton, MN 56455
Ironton is just 20 miles from Brainerd. Due to
a scheduling error, the event was not listed in QST
Magazine, but is on the
ARRL website.
Here is what
the Special Event Certificate looks like. Click
here or on the image
to get a larger view. |