United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Jim Barry  WØIRE

    BAARC Member Database Administrator
    BAARC E-Mail Reflector  Coordinator

Jim Barry has been a member of BAARC since moving to Baxter in the Fall of 2001.  He is active in public service projects with BAARC during local emergency activities as well as community and special events.  He was Co-Chair of the 2003 Brainerd Area Hamfest.

Jim was licensed in 1963 in Owatonna, MN as a Novice, WNØAXB, later upgraded to Technician, WAØAXB, then to Advanced and finally (after many years), Extra. His latest call is WØIRE.  Jim now lives in Baxter and operates on 80m thru 70cm.

Jim started his career in electronics more than 30 years ago, working in the business radio communications industry in Minneapolis and southern California before joining Jostens in Owatonna to develop computer automated systems for the design and manufacture of class ring molds and tooling.  Following his years with Jostens he participated in the startup of a company in Minneapolis providing engineering data management and factory automation systems to Fortune 500 clients.

Jim, working with his own company in Baxter, is now actively involved in the design and development of electronic systems for industrial and consumer markets.  Jim has 2 children, a son, Chad (KGØNU), a software developer living in California and a daughter, Dana a nursing student living in Burnsville.  Jim's interests, other than Ham Radio, range from traveling and photography to wilderness canoeing as well as flying as a private pilot.  His website is:  http://www.bay-tech.com  

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Last updated 02/22/2009  Ø