Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Elected Officers (Click on a photo or name for more information) |
and Program Chairman: John Luce
Treasurer: Doug Bergsnev KD0ERE
Director at Large:
Lyle Amundson K0LFV
Committees (Click on a photo or name for more information) |
Club Station/Communications Trailer Committee
ARRL Field Day Event Committee
Appointed Officers (Click on a photo or name for more information) |
Repeater Trustee,
Sunshine Chairman,
and Sunday Night Net Control Coordinator: Fritz Bertelt, WØKO
Digital and Emergency
Communications Director,
Brainerd Area Hamfest Coordinator, and
of the Club Station and Club Trailer Management Team:
Al Doree, WØRC
Fox Hunt Chairperson,
Community Events Vice-Chairman, Club Station Chairman, and Communications Trailer Committee Chairman: Terry May, KIØFW
Events Chairman: David Fournier KCØTGT
Special Projects
Coordinator: Jim Shubert WØJDS
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
Treasurer - Doug Bergsnev KD0ERE
15912 Olsen Lane
Brainerd, MN 56401
This page was last updated 11/24/2010