United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Lyle Amundson  KØLFV and his wife Marilyn

Lyle is the BAARC President. (2005-2008)  His wife, Marilyn, (no callsign yet) is the "First Lady" of the club.  

E-mail: k0lfv at arrl.net (replace the at with the familiar "@" sign.)  This is called "munging" the e-mail address in the posting so that "spam harvesters" can't recognize it as an e-mail address.


Merrifield, MN

Story from Lyle:  It was back in 1957 when I first found out about Ham Radio from Doug, a Custodian at the Pequot Lakes High School.  We ordered study materials from ARRL and by late fall we were ready and ended up taking our written and code tests at Melin's TV in Brainerd.  Not knowing for sure if we passed or not, we had to wait (seemed like months) until notification arrived from the FCC and yes we did pass and I was issued novice license KNØLFV. 

Soon after high school graduation I moved on to a 3-year career in the US Army Signal Corps and ended up serving 2 years at Nato Headquarters in Naples, Italy working in Security Communication.  During my tour in Italy I upgraded to General Class KØLFV and was able to help facilitate the establishment of Amateur Radio Club Station I1AFS.  (Italy One Allied Forces South).  It was a unique experience being able to work DX from Europe and always having to deal with the pileups.

After my brief Military career it was on to Minneapolis to attend Technical School, get married to my high school sweetheart and get my work career going in the Computer Industry while Marilyn worked on her Nursing career.   Education was an ongoing activity and over time completed an Associate Degree in Industrial Electronics and a BS Degree in Management and Technical Communications.   Also during this time we had three boys and somehow found extra time to keep active in Ham Radio and  upgrade my license to Advanced Class.  Most of my work career was spent working in a number of different Engineering and Management disciplines at the Unisys (Previously Univac & Sperry Univac) facility, which was located in Roseville.  

In 1997 when Unisys decided to close its Minnesota Manufacturing facilities and relocate to California it was time to look for a new line of work.  It was also during this time frame that Marilyn and I decided it was time to find a place up north and start to get ready for retirement.  My last five years in the Manufacturing Industry were spent in St Paul at a small Sheet Metal Fabrication Company working in Program Management and Customer Service.  

It was good to get back to the North Country in the fall of 2001 and finally, to retire in April of 2002.   Marilyn and I are enjoying our home in Mission Township (6mi S. of Crosslake on Hwy 3) and also being back into the area that we grew up in.  Our sons now all have families with two living in the Minneapolis area and one in Denver.  Two out of the three are licensed and are NØVFM and KCØNAF.

Retirement keeps us busy with family, grandchildren, friends, travel, various local activitiesMarilyn has her quilting projects too.  Have also been able to spend more time enjoying some of my hobbies to include amateur radio, computer, and aviation when finances permit.   Finally, I am very thankful to have found in this area such a great Ham Radio club (BAARC) and members to associate with.

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Last updated 03/18/2008  Ø