United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

BAARC E-Mail Reflector

We have set up an e-mail reflector for use by our club members.  A reflector is simply an e-mail address that you can use to send messages or announcements to all of the other subscribers of that list.  As an example, if you had a question that you wanted to ask other BAARC reflector subscribers regarding a technical subject, you could ask your question in one email sent to the BAARC reflector and that message would be sent, or 'reflected', to each of the subscribers of our reflector list.  They could, in return send another email back to the reflector for you, and others to see.

The ability to send messages to other BAARC reflector subscribers is limited to just subscribers of our list. As a BAARC member you can subscribe and unsubscribe as you choose and you should never receive a message from our reflector unless it has been sent by another BAARC list subscriber. In other words this reflector should never be responsible for sending you SPAM.

Subscribing or unsubscribing to the reflector is a simple process of visiting the following site: http://lists.twinslan.org/twinslan/listinfo/baarc

After providing some basic information you will be subscribed to the list and then be able to begin using it.

To use the reflector once you have subscribed simply send your message or question to our group by sending a single email to:  baarc@lists.twinslan.org

Give this new tool a try. Numerous other clubs and groups have been using reflectors for years and have found them to be useful for exchanging information and keeping abreast of group activities.

Jim WØIRE BAARC Reflector Coordinator.


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Last Edited 02/15/2009