Field Day 1998

Field Day 98 setup

        The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club participated in the annual ham Field Day event by setting up at Bush Hill near Crosby, Minnesota June 27, 1998. 

Field Day 98 crew

        Shown from left to right are Brainerd Area Radio Club President Mark WØMH, his wife Paula WØHA, Jon KBØMNM, Tom KØHHF, Joe NØUME, Tom WØQF, Tom Taylor III(13 year old son of KØHHF), Dave KBØNKM, Terry KCØCUL, Terry KIØFW, Roger, KBØUUN, and Ken KAØJSW.  Not shown in this photo, but participating were: Chandra KBØYXB, Pete NØBLX, Arney KBØVNJ, Alan KCØBQP and Ashley WA1ICN of Connecticut.

        Tom Taylor, KØHHF, is the one who provided the trailer, tower, and antennas for field day this year.  He worked hard at making this happen for the club.  Our thanks to him for the effort.

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        From inside the radio trailer are Roger KBØUUN, Joe NØUME, and Dave KBØNKM.

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        Also operating were Ken KAØJSW, Terry KIØFW, and Tom KØHHF.

Ashley and Topm Jones

        Field Day 98 Coordinator for the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club was Tom Jones WØQF shown here on the right.  On the left is a guest.  He is Ashley WA1ICN of Connecticut.  Ashley is a bicyclist and happened to be in the area during field day so he joined in the fun.  Tom is originally from New York and is a serious QRP contester.  He made an excellent coordinator keeping the crew in line and the records up to date.

Mark on 6 meters

        Club President Mark WØMH is shown here making a 6 meter contact to the east coast using his Icom IC706 mobile HF/VHF radio and a screwdriver antenna with the whip folded back on itself to shorten the antenna.  This allowed it to resonate on 6 meters where it would not otherwise do so.  This is a good example of how hams learn to be creative under field conditions.

Air Photo of Field Day

        Here is a photo of the field day site taken on Saturday, from the air, by Eldon WØMQO.  Eldon is a private pilot and was flying with his wife that day.  He communicated to the ground via 2 meters while taking the photo. 

        It was an exciting field day.  Those attending look forward to another successful one next year.

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