United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Volunteer Examiner Testing Session October 25, 2006

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club will hold an ARRL VEC testing session for all classes of licenses on Wednesday, October 25th, starting at 6:30 PM.  Testing will be held at the Brainerd Fire Station on Laurel Street on the east bank of the Mississippi River (First and Laurel Streets)

For those testing, you will need to provide the following: A check for the $14.00 testing fee (no cash, please), two forms of ID, the original and a copy of your license (if you are upgrading), documentation for prior exam credits, and writing instruments.  Calculators are allowed if they do not have a permanent memory for math formulas

The local liaison and contact person is Jim Barry WØIRE.  He will be assisted by other volunteer examiners.  Special accommodations must be arranged for in advance, or you risk being turned away. Contact Jim at 218 828-1257----or e-mail him at jim @ bay-tech.com . 

Invitation to Certified Volunteer Examiners: You are invited to participate. Contact Jim WØIRE. Reminder to volunteer Examiners: Bring your current badge and look over the manual. Please arrive at 6:00 P.M.

    VE testing Laison,  Jim Barry WØIRE


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