United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Membership Information Page

BAARC Membership Committee
Learn Amateur Radio
Annual Events
Why should I be a member?
Public Service, Community Service, and Special Events
Club Application Form in .pdf

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Our club is comprised of about 70 members from various backgrounds.  Though we all have individual differences, we all share our interest in the hobby of amateur radio with its many facets.  Some of us like to do public service (community events, weather watches, etc).  Others like to work DX, CW, radio teletype, amateur TV, or contesting. Still others prefer the two-meter aspect of communication locally via Club repeaters. Some member schedules do not allow any active participation, but they still join because they want to support the operations..

We conduct yearly training classes or you can teach yourself from the many publications available.  In addition, we offer testing sessions to allow members to upgrade their licenses or to start new in the hobby.  With the recent changes by the Federal Communications Commission, the licensing process is much easier.  No longer is there a code requirement for any license.  Instead applicants can enter the hobby by passing a multiple-choice test.  The Technicians Class license is the normal entry into the hobby. After passing it, the applicant can move on to the other two license classes: General and Extra.  Each license class gives more privileges to the operator--again, no code is required.  Proof of past licensing may make upgrading easy. Documentation regarding an expired license may have to be made--check it out.  Once you are licensed, you can exchange your longer call sign for a preferred one or retrieve your old one if it is still available.  Handicapped people can be tested with special accommodations.  

The Club meets monthly usually on the last Thursday of the month at 7 P.M.  See the Club Events Calendar.  

On the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month we get together at 9 A.M. for breakfast at the Northwind Grille at 6th and Laurel Streets in Brainerd.  Sunday nights at 8 P.M. you can hear hams check into the Net on 147.225+.  You are invited to join us!  

We have a Club station at the Brainerd High School South Campus with VHF and HF operations. 

The BAARCer  (the Club’s monthly newsletter) has lots of additional information available about activities etc.  Ask any member. Check us out at www.brainerdham.org

Our dues support the repeaters and club activities----everything costs money, unfortunately.  Thus, we would be honored to have you in our ranks.  Just send in the .pdf application form or as an html documentDues are $20/year.  Additional Family Members are $10/year.  Student Members pay $10/year. The dues-year is January 1st thru December 31st.

Lifetime Member Rates

Age 30 and Under $600.00
Age 31-40 $500.00
Age 41-50 $400.00
Age 51-60 $300.00
Age 61-70 $200.00
Age 71-80 $100.00
Age 81 and over $50.00

73 from the Hams of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.


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This page was last updated 05/17/2004  Ø