New Digital Mode FT-8

New Digital Mode FT-8

Written by Lyle KØLFV

I am very thankful that a couple of my Ham Radio friends encouraged me to try out the new FT-8 Digital Mode and if you are looking for a new mode to operate I would suggest that you would give it a try.

All you need to operate this mode is a computer, your HF Transceiver and a Radio Control Interface.  One of the more popular Control Interfaces would be the SignalLink manufactured by Tigertronics.  The operating program software is WSJT-X and is a free download from  You will also need to download NTP Meinberg, a program to keep your computer clock accurate.

A brief write up from the ARRL:  FT8 Mode is Latest Bright Shiny Object in Amateur Radio Digital World.  FT8 — the latest digital bauble to capture the imagination of the Amateur Radio community — has been luring away many of those already using the popular JT65 “weak-signal” mode. FT8 is included in the release of WSJT-X, version 1.8.0.   Among its biggest advantages is a shorter transmit-receive cycle, meaning quicker contacts. The notes for the “candidate” release say that FT8 offers “sensitivity down to –20 dB on the AWGN channel.” Contacts are four times faster than with JT65 or JT9, and an entire FT8 contact can take place in about 1 minute.  FT8 is an excellent mode for HF DXing and for situations like multi-hop Es on 6 meters, where deep QSB may make fast and reliable completion of QSOs desirable.

On a recent Sunday afternoon I operated FT-8 for a few hours and made many contacts into Europe on 20M.  Countries worked included Germany, Croatia, Spain, England, France, Netherlands, Italy, Scotland, Wales, Belgium, N.Ireland, Canada, Ukraine and a number of US contacts.  Operating Ham Radio for years I have never contacted so my Countries in such a short time.  It was the most fun I have had operating for a long time.  However, I also love working Field Day and some of the DX contests that are available to work.

During our 2017 Fox Hunt and Picnic Mitch ADØHJ and myself set up a rotatable dipole and a FT8 station at Lum Park and in a couple of hours had logged 50 contacts for WØUJ.

Mitch ADØHJ and Lyle KØLFV Operating FT-8 at Lum Park during our Annual 2017 Fox Hunt and Picnic

Operating KØLFV/5

On a recent trip to visit my son Matt KCØNAF and family in Houston I set up my son’s station to operate FT-8 and had a good time making many US, Cuban and South American contacts.   I download the software, installed a Signal Link interface and started to operate.  After working out some bugs with the software and transceiver settings and getting my son’s dipole antenna up higher in the air, I was able to make many contacts when I had time to operate.  Very busy family and household.

Pictured is KØLFV/5 operating the station of Matt KCØNAF.  Matt lives in the Woodlands which is a approximately 20 miles north of Downtown Houston.

Screenshot of PSK Reporter

You will not want to miss our upcoming November Membership Meeting.  The program will be on the setting up and use of the new digital mode FT-8.  Additional features of operating FT-8 is how you link to a website called PSK Reporter that will show you additional information on how your signal is doing and who has heard you.  Our plan is to have an operating station set up to demo all the great features of FT-8.  Program will be presented by Mitch ADØHJ and Lyle KØLFV.

Meeting is scheduled for Thursday November 30th and will be held at the Brainerd Fire Station starting at 7 PM.

BAARC CQ WW DX Contest 2017

During the weekend of October 27- 29, the BAARC participated in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. The club exercised the small club trailer with a 3 element beam and a multi-band dipole.

Many thanks go out to the preparation work that went on ahead of this event by Lyle KØLFV, Mitch ADØHJ, Al WØRC, Steve NØCRM, Ron KØGOP, John WØWY, and Nick WØNY. Many items needed to be pulled together to make the event happen, we needed antennas collected, radios and computers collected as well as configured. We needed some trailer modifications and antenna tower support modifications.

On Friday afternoon Mitch pulled the small trailer out to the Crow Wing County Fairgrounds and started initial trailer setup and some preliminary antenna preparation. Steve and Al arrived later in the afternoon and helped assemble, raise, guy, and secure the tower. On that Friday afternoon the temperature was around 32 degrees with snowflakes in the air and wind gusts in the 17-24 MPH range.

After getting the tower and beam up, and the rotor connected we tested the SWR on the beam antenna and connected it to a club radio. The trailer came alive with the sound CQ’s coming fast and furious.

After initial testing, it was now on to assembling push-up mast rigs (3) for the multi-band dipole antenna. The setup of the wire antenna was completed in the dark with snow and cold windy conditions. Nick NØNY arrived early evening with a Heathkit SB-200 Linear Amplifier.

W0UJ's Contest Summary Report for CQ-WW
Created by N3FJP's CQ WW DX Contest Log
Version 5.5

Total Contacts = 230
Total Points = 80,115

Operating Period: 2017/10/28 01:06 - 2017/10/29 22:30

Total op time (breaks > 30 min deducted): 21:05:49
Total op time (breaks > 60 min deducted): 25:23:28

Avg Qs/Hr (breaks > 30 min deducted): 10.9

Total Contacts by Band and Mode:

Band       CW   Phone     Dig   Total       %
----       --   -----     ---   -----     ---
  80        0      14       0      14       6
  40        0      35       0      35      15
  20        0     122       0     122      53
  15        0      59       0      59      26
           --   -----     ---   -----     ---
Total       0     230       0     230     100

Total Contacts by Country:

Country                      Total     %
-------                      -----   ---
USA                             33    14
Canada                          23    10
Brazil                          11     5
Hawaii                          10     4
Federal Republic of Germany      8     3
Canary Is.                       6     3
Morocco                          6     3
Bonaire                          5     2
Dominican Republic               5     2
Italy                            5     2
Chile                            4     2
European Russia                  4     2
Lithuania                        4     2
Madeira Is.                      4     2
Netherlands                      4     2
Serbia                           4     2
Alaska                           3     1
Argentina                        3     1
Belize                           3     1
Curacao                          3     1
England                          3     1
Finland                          3     1
France                           3     1
French Guiana                    3     1
Jamaica                          3     1
Portugal                         3     1
Slovenia                         3     1
Ukraine                          3     1
Uruguay                          3     1
Venezuela                        3     1
Aruba                            2     1
Australia                        2     1
Barbados                         2     1
Belarus                          2     1
Belgium                          2     1
Cape Verde                       2     1
Cayman Is.                       2     1
Croatia                          2     1
Cuba                             2     1
Czech Republic                   2     1
Denmark                          2     1
Hungary                          2     1
Latvia                           2     1
Spain                            2     1
Suriname                         2     1
Trinidad & Tobago                2     1
Austria                          1     0
Azores                           1     0
Bulgaria                         1     0
Colombia                         1     0
Costa Rica                       1     0
Ecuador                          1     0
Estonia                          1     0
Ireland                          1     0
Liberia                          1     0
Luxembourg                       1     0
Mexico                           1     0
Norway                           1     0
Poland                           1     0
Romania                          1     0
Scotland                         1     0
Sicily                           1     0
Slovak Republic                  1     0
Sweden                           1     0
Tonga                            1     0
US Virgin Is.                    1     0

Total = 66

Total DX Miles (QSOs in USA not counted) = 742,639
Average miles per DX QSO = 3,770

October Club Meeting 2017

Our club meeting in October was a “Show & Tell” meeting.

We had members bring in items to show and talk about that they have used or developed while enjoying the hobby of amateur radio.

Al W0RC brought in a display of various tubes and talked about the “Project” he made during a correspondence class on his journey into radio.

Ron K0GOP shared a story and equipment built by a fellow ham Jim Whiting K0VAN, these radios were QRP rigs and exhibited some fantastic workmanship.

Nick W0NY demonstrated the 3D printer that he has used for many useful items for the club.

Mitch  AD0HJ showed a new technology

  • The ZUMspot RPi is an advanced radio module board.
  • Paired with a Raspberry Pi and the MMDVM software becomes a small and efficient multi-mode digital hotspot.
  • Supports DMR, P-25, D-Star and System Fusion


All Things HF: October 2017

All Things HF

It’s about people, it’s all about people. I look back over 20 years ago as I entered the hobby of Ham Radio Operator. The ARRL had given me the phone number and address of Barb Ranson (AAØI/SK) the president of the Wadena Radio Club. I met Barb at her home as she generously took time to show me her radio station and to encouraged me to purchase a book from the ARRL titled ‘Now you’re Talking’ and so I did.

I studied the book’s chapters until I was ready to take the exam for both Novice along with the Technician class license. After testing (and passing both) one of the VE’s came over to introduce himself. Pete Meyer (NØFW) who was home on break from NDSU where his major was civil engineering was that VE. Pete lived and breathed radio…he was an avid DXer who was the first Ham to introduce me to the world of DX. Pete’s home is now in Hamilton, Ohio where he is a patent/copyright attorney. Go figure, from engineering to the world of law. Pete is now on the top of the DXCC honor roll, he’s a number 1 along with being a world class DXer whom I hear in the pileups occasionally. He has 5 band DXCC and presently working on obtaining 160-meters DXCC. Both Barb and Pete encouraged me along the way to being a good radio operator. It’s the people that make this hobby great.

I joined the BAARC where I was encouraged and mentored by several wonderful Hams that I don’t need to mention. Again, it’s about the people. My electronic logbook has over 16,000 QSO’s (paper logs have a few thousand more) of the people that make this a great hobby. I took the CW examination in order to get my Tech Plus license and…get on HF finally. One of the present BAARC club members encouraged me to get serious about CW which I did years later. The very first DX station I worked on CW was well after my 80th birthday. It’s all about people, the people who are always there to help you along the way. Just imagine calling CQ if there were no ‘people’ to answer. Before closing I’d like to mention that the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) of which I am a contributing member has pledged a large sum of money to the DXpedition to Baker/Howland so we DXer’s can obtain an ATNO.

Again, it’s all about the people. So long from Huntersville for now, don’t forget to sit at your station and call CQ because someone, somewhere is out there waiting for your call (one of those nice people).

Best 73 es gud DX from my station to yours. Bob/WØZPE