For the Record 1998
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club field activities for the year 1998 totaled 124.5 club hours. The number of member hours is many times that. Here is the rundown:
Jaycees Fishing Derby in January = 5.0 club hours.
Mid Minnesota 150 Sled Dog Race in February = 24.0 club hours.
Ham Classes in February/March/April = 20.0 club hours.
Bataan Death March Recreation in April = 8.0 club hours.
Memorial Day Parade in May = 1.0 club hour.
Paul Bunyan Bicycle Tour in June = 13.0 club hours.
Habitat For Humanity in June = 6.0 club hours.
Field Day Display in June = 24.0 club hours.
Air Fest 98 in July = 19.0 club hours.
Goblin Patrol October = 4.5 club hours.
This data was supplied by:
Public Service Event Coordinator Ken
Magloughlin, KAØJSW.
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