Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
Special Event November 13, 1999
The third special event of the year was held on Saturday, November 13. This was a joint event with CHARRO, a club in Brownsville, TX. For many years, they have done an event: "THE RETURN OF THE SNOWBIRDS TO SOUTH TEXAS". The so-called "Winter Texans" are important to the economy of South Texas, and many retired hams are among them. CHARRO operated from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier, Iwo Jima, which is on static display at the Texas Air Museum in Rio Hondo, TX. Their antennas are mounted on the superstructure of the carrier 130 feet above ground level with the entire superstructure operating as a ground plane.
In Brainerd, Jim Duit (KBØTXT) and Club Secretary Shirley Doree (KCØDCW) are shown here making contacts on 10, 15, 17, and 20 meters. Jim is blind, but that doesn't stop him from having fun on ham radio.
(l-r)Club BAARC Vice President Al Doree (WØRC) and previous Vice President Bill Ingmundson (WBØMVE) admire QSL cards from previous Special Events.
(l-r) Club member Glenn Trtanj (KCØGFD) and BAARC President Mark Persons (WØMH) make 20 meter contacts across the country. One of the contacts turned into a 40 minute rag chew about hamming and scouting.
BAARC's special event was held to celebrate "THE DEPARTURE OF THE SNOWBIRDS FROM CENTRAL MINNESOTA". A fun time was had by all. Photos by Mark Persons (WØMH)We were on the air on HF for about 9 hours on Saturday Nov. 13. We had a nice cross section of experienced hams, Novices, Techs, and soon to be hams from our new ham class. Everyone had a great time and they are looking forward to the next one in Y2K. We made 116 contacts on HF, 9 on 2 M simplex, and zip on 6 M. Thanks to everyone who participated either by taking the time to come in and operate, or by contacting the club station. Thanks also to Bob (W0ZPE) and Jim (KB0TXT) for the valiant try on 6 M, and Denny (N0NYW) for preparing the certificate.
I'd like to remind everyone that the number of contacts isn't really
important. This isn't a contest and every operator has a different operating
style. What's really important is:
1. Having fun with ham radio.
2. Getting a chance to operate our really excellent club station.
3. Getting a chance to work with someone you don't know very well.
4. Improving your operating skills.
5. Last, but certainly not least, giving the Novices, Techs, and soon to be
hams a chance to see what HF is all about.
Watch for an announcement of the next special event in next months BAARCer.
Details of our first Special Event Details of our second Special Event
BAARC Special Event Coordinator Bob Englund KGØZK![]()