Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club 
 Special Event August 14th and 15th, 1999
Celebrating "Summertime in Minnesota"


        Saturday, August 14th, 10 AM to Noon (Central Daylight Time) operators Alan Sherburne(KCØBQP) and Club President, Mark Persons(WØMH), making contacts on 17 meters.  The Moseley 10 through 20 meter beam developed a problem so they switched to the G5RV horizontal wire antenna and did fine making contacts from coast to coast.

        After his shift, Mark climbed the tower and tightened hardware on the Moseley beam.  This restored normal operation.







        Saturday Noon to 4 PM operators Jim Schubert(KCØANQ) and Ken Magloughlin(KAØJSW) work foreign countries with the Moseley beam.  Jim received his ham training recently at classes provided by the club in cooperation with Brainerd Community Education.  He passed the Technician exam at a BAARC VE testing session.  Ken is a Past President of the BAARC.  He is also the club's Field Events Coordinator.  Both men are retired U.S. Marine Corps Majors.




        Although the turn out was light, those who took the time on a busy summer Saturday had a good time. We were on the air for about 7 hours and made more than 50 HF contacts plus numerous 2 m simplex contacts. A problem with the beam near the end of the first shift forced the use of the G5RV wire antenna. President Mark, WØMH, scaled the tower later in the day and tightened up connections on the beam. 

        Bob, WØZPE, and Jim, KBØTXT, operated on 6 m SSB  rom their home stations and made about 20 contacts. Anyone making a contact with one of the club stations can obtain a certificate by bringing a QSL card to the next club meeting, or by mailing it to BAARC, BOX 801, Brainerd, MN 56401. Don't have a QSL card? Make one!  Thanks to all those who participated, and to Denny, NØNYW, for preparing the certificate. 

        Details of first Special Event   
             Upcoming third Special Event

        73's Bob KG

The Special Event particulars:

City: Brainerd
State: MN
Sponsoring club or organization: Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club (BAARC)
Call sign: W0UJ
Event start time: 1300
Event start date: Aug. 14
Event end time: 0100
Event end date: Aug. 15
Event description: celebrating Summertime in Minnesota
Frequency 1: 28.450
Frequency 2: 21.350
Frequency 3: 14.250
Frequency 4: 50.125
Certificate or QSL: Certificate
QSL to (Name): BAARC
QSL to (Address 1): P.O. Box 801
QSL to (City): Brainerd
QSL to (State): MN
QSL to (Zip): 56401
Contact name: Bob Englund
Contact phone: 218-828-2128
Contact e-mail:

The Club

        The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club is located in Brainerd, Minnesota in the heart of the lake country of central Minnesota about 120 miles NW of Minneapolis/St. Paul. We have more than 100 members living or spending the summer months in the area. The club has members from age 9 on up and has an active public service program which includes furnishing emergency communication for the worlds largest ice fishing contest, sled dog races, air shows, tour of the takes bike tour, parades, Halloween goblin patrol and a variety of other activities.


Kenwood TS-850S running barefoot into a Mosley 4 element tri-bander up 50 feet.

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