Brainerd Area Amateur Radio
October 25, 2001 Meeting
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club will meet in room 607 at the Mississippi Horizons School in Brainerd. The business meeting will start at 7 PM. There will be an election of officers.
At 8 PM, we will show the video "Vol. II - The Invisible War -Secrets of the Cold War"
Also at this meeting we will distribute a member program survey form. This is your opportunity to have input as to program topics/activities for the coming year, and to let us know if you want to be part of the program. A copy of the survey is posted to the club web page at
Remember to sign in as you arrive at the meeting to be eligible to win the "mystery" door prize. Refreshments will be available at the 8PM break. I hope to see many of you there.
73s. Jim
KC0ANQ, BAARC VP & Program Chair.
Everyone is invited to attend.
This page was last updated 12/19/2006