Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club 
February 22, 2001 Meeting

        The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club met at the Mississippi Horizons School on Thursday, February 22, 2001.  The business meeting started at 7 PM.  

    At 8:10 PM there was an after-action report on the recent Aitkin Sled Dog Race and BAARC participation in the event.  BAARC President Al Doree WØRC, shown on the left, described how a defective cable on one of the portable repeater antennas caused problems and confusion in the beginning.  Al was aided in the discussion by Public Service Event Coordinator Ken Magloughlin, KAØJSW, who ran net control in simplex mode from atop a hill so that he could communicate with all of the hams who were helping with race coordination on 2 meters.  
     A door prize was drawn.  It is a huge (three times normal size) straight key, which was donated to the club by Club Treasurer Bob Feuer, WØZPE.  The winner was Past Club President, Mark WØMH.  Mark operated CW on New Years Eve.  That is the traditional "Straight Key Night" for hams.  It is a time for hams to renew their operating skills with a non-electronic key.  

     Mark was excited saying, "It is BIG keys that generate BIG signals on the band.

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