2001 Kiwanis
Canoe Race
7-8, 2001 aided by the
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
For the second consecutive year, the BAARC has successfully provided communications around the perimeter of Serpent Lake between Crosby and Deerwood in eastern Crow Wing County. With 5 pontoons stationed around Serpent Lake manned by BAARC members, 8 crews of canoeists participated in the race and hams provided information to a net control station at the starting/ending location for the 2001 Canoe Race conducted by the Crosby-Ironton Kiwanis Club.
The entire race involved 12 laps of 7+ miles each, for the canoes with each lap involving slightly more than hour's paddling. Due to a shortage of hams, most managed to handle more than one 4-hour session on the pontoons, reporting in the progress of the race as it developed. Operating on 147.500 MHz simplex, the hams reported to a net control station set up in Club President Al Doree's travel trailer, which was parked at the starting/ending of the race. Most of the hams utilized a modified J-pole antenna connected to their hand/held radios.
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Photo courtesy of Terry May KIØFW. |
At the award ceremony, the committee and the racers expressed their pleasure with our operation, which helped the committee and the racers' teams to monitor with the progress of the race and already, the Race Committee has requested our additional participation for the year 2002 Race.
Hams who participated are to be congratulated on a successful operation and the professionalism displayed. They were a credit to the BAARC! Terry, KIØFW; Jim, KCØANQ; John, WØJGY; Shirley, KCØDCW; Al, WØRC; Jon, KBØMNM; Skee, KCØDCY; George, KCØBH; Orcy, WØQT and Ken, KAØJSW participated from the BAARC.
We provided progress information to the Race Committee and, better than for the year 2000 race, we were not required to pass severe weather and get the racers and hams off the lake. The weather cooperated beautifully and the main problem was a few mosquitoes.
Ken Magloughlin, KAØJSW,
Community Service Event Coordinator, Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.
This page was last updated 12/19/2006