United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Meeting November 21, 2002

   BAARC Officers elected November 21st for Year 2003:
(l-r) Club President, Al Doree, WØRC; Vice President, Jim Schubert KCØANQ; Secretary, Shirley Doree KCØDCW; Treasurer, Bob Feuer WØZPE; Repeater Trustee, Fritz Bertelt WØKO; and Director at Large, John WØJGY. 
   The 8:10 PM presentation was be given by Ken KAØJSW (pictured on the left).   Ken described net control procedures and radio protocol for local public service events.  Ken is also retiring from the position of Community Event Coordinator.  Taking his place is Director at Large, John WØJGY (pictured on the right).  The change is effective December 31, 2002.  

Jim WAØAXB is the new Volunteer Examiner Chairman for the BAARC. He was appointed by ClubPresident Al WØRC. Jim has been a ham since 1963 and moved to Brainerd just over a year ago. He is an electronic design engineer and has been very active with the club.



Steve WØTNT is the new Membership Chairman of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. Steve works for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and is an enthusiastic promoter of the BAARC.  He is an excellent candidate for the job and is aided by Fritz WØKO and Mark WØMH in his efforts to increase club membership.


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