United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Special Event Station  March 9, 2002

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club held it's 7th Special Event - a salute to the Brainerd Jaycees $150,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza. This is the world's largest ice fishing contest. BAARC has provided the communications for this event for many years. 

The special event was a great success in spite of snow and strong winds that made travel difficult. We made about 140 contacts from four sites. We had 18 operators and visitors. We operated on 10, and 15 meters from the club station. Bob Feuer operated 15 meter QRP from his QTH in suburban Huntersville. Jim & Sharon Duit operated on 40 and 75 meters from their QTH near Staples. Jon Livingston operated 2 meter simplex from his QTH north of Brainerd. Some of the contacts included England, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Canada, and the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. 

All the participants had a good time, and we are planning another special event for the fall. de BAARC Special Event Coordinator Bob KGØZK.

Interestingly, the weather had just dumped 8 inches of blowing snow on Brainerd.  Getting to the Club Station was a task unto itself.  

Second shift operators (l-r) Julius "Skee" KCØDCY, Darrell KCØFYC, Special Event Coordinator Bob Englund KGØZK, and Orcena WØQT. 

John Livingston ran 2meter simplex from his QTH.  

Third Shift operators (l-r) Paula WØHA, Mark WØMH, June Persons (mother of Mark Persons), and Bob KDØAU visiting from Red Wing, MN.  June Persons is currently taking the class to become a Technician Class ham.  
Fourth Shift operators (l-r) Tyler Aldous (not licensed) Randy KCØEGE (father of Tyler), Steve KCØLVZ, and his son Cris (currently taking a class to become a Technician Class ham).

We had 80 HF contacts from the club station including England, Norway, Czech., Romania, Madeira Island (West Africa ), Canada, and the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA.


Bob WØZPE provided on-air support from his QTH, the Hungry Horse Ranch  Bob made 23 contacts QRP (5 watts or less) including one to San Diego at 2.5 watts.  
Jim KBØTXT, and his wife Sharon, were on the air as well on 40 meters doing the Special Event from their QTH near Staples, MN.

Previous Club Special Events have been very fun and entertaining.  Details 

To get a BAARC Special Event Certificate, send a Self Addressed Self Stamped business size envelope to BAARC, P.O. Box 801, Brainerd, MN 56401.  

BAARC Special Event Coordinator  Bob KGØZK

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