United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  
Club Meeting June 27, 2002

    The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club will held a regular monthly business meeting on June 27th at 7 PM.  The presentation was on emergency communications relating to the recent wild fire south of Brainerd.  

(l-r) BAARC Community Event Coordinator Ken KAØJSW, Crow Wing County Emergency Management Director Dave Schuldheisz KBØSCT, and Pat Eyestone who is Communications Supervisor for the Crow Wing County Sheriff's Office.  
Ken introduced the two guests who praised the ham club for doing valuable communications on community on events like the Goblin Patrol at Holloween and for quickly and efficiently establishing needed communications during the recent fire.  It was brought up that we need to fine tune the coordination of hams and government agencies such as the county and the fire departments. 

On another matter, it was announced that Crow Wing County Emergency Management will no longer be involved in storm reporting now that the new weather transmitter is up an operating on 162.550 MHz.  The change takes effect just after the July 4th weekend.  Hams should now report severe weather directly to the National Weather Service in Duluth by calling 800-685-8612.  It was emphasized that this phone number is for severe storm reporting only.  

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