United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Membership Meeting   July 29, 2004


The evening speaker was John Luce WØJGY.  He talked about mobile radio installations and answered questions.  John has installed radios in many of his vehicles, over the years, and has an HF radio in his latest car.  

In addition, John gave a rundown on club activities.  Here is a copy of the handout he created for the meeting:

Club Events for 2003
Public Service Events Highlighted and Described  

1.         Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza; Gull Lake, benefit fund raiser for community non-profit organizations, including Confidence Learning Center (Camp Confidence) attracts 8-10,000 participants on two square miles of ice; annually, the radio club provides about a dozen operators, an enclosed command and control center, for a 6-hour period, to handle requests for public safety services (primarily medical but some law enforcement) and administrative communications for the event organizers (shadowing officials); January 18, 2003.

2.         Club Dinner Meeting (annual winter, club members and guests, program of general interest); January 30, 2003; (monthly club meeting).

3.         Ham Training Classes (annual, course offerings through the Community Education Department, ISD #181; including VE testing in April); February 11, 2003. 

4.         Monthly club meeting and program; February 27, 2003.

5.         Club Special Event Station (promotion of a local outstanding, historical or significant community event worth noting, by broadcasting a description on ham radio, and awarding a special certificate to other stations contacted; and, a special time where all hams of any license class and non-hams, club members or not, may be apart of two-way radio communications, all over the world, from the club station located at Mississippi Horizons Magnet Technology School in Brainerd); March 8, 2003

 6.         St. Patrick's Day Parade, Brainerd, local community event; up to 6 members provide logistic support for parade organizers to help assure a smooth flow of vehicular traffic and monitor public activity for public safety requests for service; March 15, 2003.

 7.         Monthly club meeting and program, March 27, 2003.

 8.         Monthly club meeting and program, April 27, 2003

 9.         FCC license testing by club volunteer examiners; also at the conclusion of the club sponsored ham radio training classes; April 29, 2003.

10.       March of Dimes Walkathon, Brainerd, local community fund raising event; up to 6 members provide logistic support for organizers to help a smooth flow of foot traffic and monitor public activity for public safety requests for service; May 3, 2003.

11.       Memorial Day Parade, Brainerd, local community event; up to 6 members provide logistic support for parade organizers to help assure a smooth flow of vehicular traffic and monitor public activity for public safety requests for service; May 26, 2003.

12.       Club Dinner Meeting (annual spring, club members and guests, program of general interest); May 29, 2003; (monthly club meeting).

13.       Tour of the Lakes Bike Ride; Crow Wing county-wide annual event, some dozen members provide communications services for a 10-hour event stretching over a 35 and 65-mile courses, attracting from 700 to 1,200 participants; operators provide a command and control center using voice and data to monitor biking activity for logistic and public safety support to organizers and participants; June 7, 2003.

14.       Monthly club meeting and program, June 26, 2003.

15.       Field Day, within the club's local service area; national activity annually; up to 15 members set-up several radio stations at a remote location and under emergency conditions, operating for a 24-hour period contacting other stations under the same emergency conditions, to test capabilities of operators and equipment; June 28 - 29, 2003.

16.       Trithlon, Baxter, an annual local community race event, co-sponsored by the City of Baxter; up to 6 members provide logistic support for race organizers to help assure a smooth flow of several hundred persons performing as swimmers, runners and bikers, over a 15-mile course, monitoring the participants and the public spectators for public safety needs; July 5, 2003.

17.       Hamfest, Brainerd, a BAARC club sponsored annual event; members organize and operate a 'flea market' (of unique sorts) for the benefit of other ham radio operators and persons of allied electronics interest; a club fund raiser; July 19, 2003.

18.       Relay For Life, American Cancer Society, Crow Wing county-wide, annual community fund raising event attracting over 800 participants; up to 10 members participate in this 12-hour event providing logistic support to event organizers and monitoring participants for public safety requests for service; July 25 - 26, 2003.

19.       Monthly club meeting and program; July 31, 2003.

20.       Fishing Has No Boundaries, an annual local community event affording over a hundred disabled persons an opportunity to spend a day fishing with professional guides on two of the area lakes, Sylvan and Gull; up to 15 operators provide a command and control center and operate land and marine mobile radios in support of the organizer's logistics and the health and welfare of the participants; August 2 - 3, 2003.

21.       Monthly club meeting and program; August 24, 2003; (this meeting time is often changed to a club-family picnic, with a hidden-transmitter and geo-cache hunt for fun).

22.       Monthly club meeting and program; September 24, 2003.

23.       Monthly club meeting and program; October 30, 2003.

24.       Goblin Watch, an annual Crow Wing county-wide Halloween public safety event; up to 15 members participate in patrolling the streets and observing activity in and around public buildings, monuments, etc., for vandalism or attempted mischief, command and control is provided in the law enforcement dispatch center to enable quick involvement and intervention by public safety personnel in the event of a ham operator - reported incident; October 31, 2003.

25.       Monthly club meeting and program; November 20, 2003.

26.       Club Special Event (same as, see #5 above); December 6, 2003.

27.       Monthly club meeting and program; December 18, 2003.

Note:  Other public service activities include; on-call Skywarn weather watch, organized by the National Weather Service from Duluth, up to 20 members identify and track threatening and/or severe weather through our area; the Mid-Minnesota 150, an annual 12-hour dog sled race through back-woods courses covering two counties; up to 15 members support race organizers with logistics in the management of up to 35 teams, and assure public safety needs are reported; several area hospitals ask for on-call Communications, and depend upon up to 6 to 8 members  to communicate within a ham radio regional network for healthcare related messages; and the Crow Wing County Emergency Management office maintains a ham radio station for members to operate, on-call, for many different types of public safety emergencies.

John Luce, WØJGY and Steve Weber, WØTNT , BAARC Public Service Coordinators

Steve Weber WØTBT and his son Cris KCØNGK sported fishing hats while describing the upcoming Fishing Has No Boundaries public service event on August 27th and 28th. They also reminded us of the Baxter Triathlon on August 29th. Hams are needed to handle communications at both of these fun events.


Jack Miller WØJEM The next membership meeting will be the Annual Fox Hunt and Picnic on August 15th.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.

Jack Miller, BAARC V.P. and Program Chairman.

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