record 44 people showed up at the Annual
BAARC Spring Banquet to hear Mr. James Wentworth,
Professor of Astronomy at the Central
Lakes College. He gave a talk entitled, “Introduction to
the Stars.” Some called it “DX-ing the stars.” Jim has been
involved in astronomy for the past 40 years. It is his Passion
and it showed. His telescope installation is certified to be
"Research Grade" by Harvard Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics. He teaches Astronomy at Central Lakes College and is highly
entertaining. His 11-inch optical telescope, with digital camera, can see
3-billion light-years back into time. He said that the noise we hear on
our radios is left-over from the Big Bang. In addition, he explained that
the universe is still expanding, and that expansion is accelerating.
The talk was very informative and
entertaining. A good time was had by all. |