United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

ARRL Field Day June 25-26, 2005

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club participated in the Annual ARRL Field Day Saturday June 25th, and Sunday, June 26th.  As with last year, the club was at the Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area near Crosby-Ironton, MN.  The site has about 100 feet of elevation above the surrounding area. GPS site coordinates from Terry KIØFW:  North  46 Degrees 28.988 Minutes, West  93 degrees  59.991  Minutes.

If we could just get a wire up in the tree about there! David KCØTGT, Jim WØYA, and Greg NØLJY are planning the dipole antenna installation. 

Thanks to Steve Weber WØTNT and the DNR
(Minnesota Department of Natural Resources) 
for making possible our stay at the site.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Just checking to make sure things are going well.  Steve WØTNT.

The BAARC crew A group photo near the BAARC Communications Trailer.  

Jack Miller WØJEM watches as Jim "Robin Hood" KØLIO uses a bow and arrow to get an antenna wire 30 feet up into a tree.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Just like in Sherwood Forest.

Field Day 2005 T-shirts and all. CQ Field Day, CQ Field Day. This is WØUJ, 
Whiskey Zero Uniform Juliet, calling CQ and listening. 
Wife and husband Terri and John WØJGY put out a call.   

Sharon KBØSQX hands a Hamstick antenna to her husband Jim KØTXT for installation on the roof of their camper-trailer.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Just hand me that Hamstick and I will have it installed in a minute.

CQ Field Day, this is WØUJ. BAARC President Lyle KØLFV takes the microphone to make more contacts.  

Greg NØLJY and his father Skee KCØDCY put up antennas.  Skee was recently injured in a fall and will be in a wheelchair until August.  Details

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Just a little more and I will have this antenna up.

The problem is here somewhere!! Meanwhile, Mark WØMH is repairing the linear amplifier that decided to act-up on the occasion.  

Speaking of problems, the gas-driven generator quit about a half our into Field Day.  Fortunately, Jack WØJEM is a small engine mechanic.  The problem was old gas.  The carburetor was cleaned and the generator back online in a hurry.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

It was old gas and the carberartor needed cleaning.

CQ Field Day from the BAARC. Lyle KØLR and Kathy KØTHY showed up to help.  

What Field Day would be complete without a campfire?

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

What would a Field Day be without a campfire?

213 contacts were made on Field Day by the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.  They were on 75, 40, 20, 15, 6, and 2-meters.  Participating were: Charles W5CCL, Lyle KØLFV, Terry KIØFW, Jack WØJEM, Jim WØIRE, Mark WØMH, Paula WØHA, John WØJGY, Dan AAØNK,  Sharon KBØSQX, Jim KØTXT, Steve WØTNT,  Jim KØLIO, Skee KCØDCY, Greg NØLJY, Jim WØYA, David KCØTGT, Lyle KØLR, and Kathy KØTHY.    

 Story by Mark Persons WØMH  BAARC's 2003 Field Day.  Details
BAARC's 2004 Field Day.  Details

Jim Talbott
& Field Day
Thanks to Charles W5CCL who brought the donuts Also thanks to Terri, wife of John WØJGY, for bringing pumpkin bars, and my wife Karen for making chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting.  

This weekend, we learned what hams eat while on Field Day.

Thanks also to Steve WØTNT for handling the arrangements of the Field Day site for our use.

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø