United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

ARRL Field Day June 26-27, 2004

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club participated in the annual ARRL Field Day 1 PM Saturday, June 26th, through 1 PM on Sunday, June 27th.  As with last year, the club is at Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area near Crosby-Ironton.  It has about 100 feet of elevation above the surrounding area. 
Lyle Amundson KØLFV, John Luce WØJGY, and Alan Sherburn AAØAS string up a Barker and Williamson folded dipole.  The antenna was provided by John and worked fairly well on 80 through 10 meters.  

Thanks to Steve Weber WØTNT and the DNR
(Minnesota Department of Natural Resources) 
for making possible our stay at the site.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Terry May KIØFW, Charles Lane W5CCL, and 
discuss the merits of RV 
campers.  Jim's is shown in the background.  

Jack Miller WØJEM and Arnie Heinrich 
KBØVNJ trade ideas about antennas.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

CQ Field Day, CQ Field Day. This is WØUJ, 
Whiskey Zero Uniform Juliet, calling CQ and listening. 
BAARC President Al Doree WØRC 
puts out the first call and makes the first contact. 

Terry May KIØFW, Shirley Doree KCØDCW
Al Doree WØRC
, and Jack Miller WØJEM  
pose by the BAARC Communications Trailer.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Dan Selinger AAØNK and his son Dave NØXHT 
operate on 10 and 20-meter sideband.  

Terry May KIØFW operated 2-meters
 from his camper trailer.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Paula Persons WØHA and her husband 
on 20-meter sideband.  

Jim Duit KBØTXT and his wife 
in their camper.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Ranger (no callsign) and Jim Wannebo 
KBØLYP on 20-meter sideband.  

What Field Day would be complete without a campfire?  Back row l-r: Ranger (the dog), Jim Wannebo KBØLYP, John Luce WØJGY, Jim Duit KBØTXT, Jim Barry WØIRE, Terry May KIØFW, and Mark Persons WØMH. Front row l-r: Linda Wannebo KCØGBZ with her daughter, Terri Monroe (no callsign yet), Paula Persons WØHA, and Sharon Duit KBØSQX.
Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

John Luce WØJGY adds gas to the 3500 watt 
power generator.  It consumed only seven 
gallons of fuel during the 24 hour event.  

A view from the Field Day site 
looking east toward Brainerd.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

The Sunday crew (front row l-r) Terry May KIØFW, Charles Lane W5CCL, and Sharon Duit KBØSQX.  Back row: Mark Persons WØMH, Bernard Deml KØIMN, Lyle Amundson KØLFV, John Luce WØJGY, Jack Miller WØJEM, Jim Duit KBØTXT, Eric Westgard N9YD, and Eric's father.

Tear-down and clean-up.  Lyle Amundson KØLFV  
and John Luce WØJGY team up to take down 
and store away John's B&W HF antenna..

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Eldon Reeves WØMQO pilot.





The 2004 Field Day site as seen from the air.  Photo by BAARC member Eldon Reeves WØMQO on a flight over the area on a previous Field Day.  

183 contacts were made on Field Day by the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.  They were on 75, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2-meters.  Participating were: Al Doree WØRC, Shirley Doree KCØDCW, Charles Lane W5CCL, Lyle Amundson KØLFV, Terry May KIØFW, Jack Miller WØJEM, Jim Barry WØIRE, Mark Persons WØMH, Paula Persons WØHA, John Luce WØJGY, Dan Selinger AAØNK, Dave Selinger NØXHT, Sharon Duit KBØSQX, Jim Duit KBØTXT, Arnie Heinrich KBØVNJ, Steve Weber WØTNT, Cris Weber KCØNGK, Jim Ditty KØLIO, Jim Wannebo KBØLYP, Linda Wannebo KCØGBZ, Eldon Reeves WØMQO, Bernard Deml KØIMN, and Jon Livingston KBØMNM.  Visitors to the site included Eric Westgard N9YD of Minneapolis and John Nordel KBØYOP of Worthington, MN.

 Story by Mark Persons WØMH  BAARC's 2003 Field Day.  Details

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø