Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
Club Membership Meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2006 |
Darrell ABØVP read a
Hams' Night Before Christmas at the meeting. His deep voice resonated
with good Ham humor. The assembled group loved it and gave applauded. The poem is available on this BAARC website by clicking here. |
Hams enjoyed cookies and good fellowship after the formal meeting. That included (l-r) Vi, Ham partner of John W3MQD and June KCØNGL. | ||
(l-r) BAARC President Lyle KØLFV, Eldon WØMQO, and Paula WØHA. | |
(l-r) David KCØTGT and Mike WAØLUG who just moved to the area. |
Our next Membership Meeting is Thursday, January 25th. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. |
This page was last updated 01/20/2007 Ø