United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Dayton Hamvention Report....May 19-21, 2006

Four BAARC club members hit the road for the Dayton Hamvention in Dayton, OH, on May 17th.  They are (l-r) MarkMH, John WØJGY, Lyle KØLFV, and Jim WØIREThey drove 860 miles to Dayton in one day.  It was a 15-hour trip.  They checked into the 3925 KHz PICO Net on May 17th while in western Wisconsin
In Dayton, the Dayton Hamvention flea market had a thousand vehicles full of used ham gear.  It is the 54th year for the event.   
More great gear for sale.  Brian KØEOU, Past President of the BAARC, also attended the Hamvention. 
It seems that radio/antenna hats were the rage with dozens of different types being shown off by some of the 25,000 hams who attended from around the world.  The Dayton Amateur Radio Association runs the event with 300 volunteers.  It results in a 10 million Dollar boost to the Dayton economy. 
Hara Arena was the gathering spot where hundreds of commercial vendors showed their wares. 

Jim Talbott WØYA
Program Chairman

A more complete story will be presented to at a club meeting on a future date.

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This page was last updated 12/31/2006  Ø