United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Annual Spring Dinner Meeting....Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Presentation of the Great Adventure of the


Ralph Fedor KØIR was the speaker at the BAARC Spring Dinner Meeting at Craguns Resort on the west side of Gull Lake. 

He told the story of the recent DX-Pedition to Peter 1 Island.  Twenty Hams spent ten days on the island making 86,888 contacts on 160 Meters through 2 Meters including 114 earth-moon-earth contacts on 2 Meters.  The huge undertaking cost $400,000 Dollars.   

For more DX-Pedition information, see http://www.peterone.com

Ralph KØIR

Thanks to John W3MQD and his bride Vi for handling the BAARC finances.  Here they are greeting people at the dinner. 

Thanks also to Piper-Jaffrey for the loan of a video projector for the event and to Jim WØJDS for handling reservations. 


Fifty people attended the event and a fun time was had by all. 

Jim Talbott
& Program

Don't forget Field Day on June 24th.  Our next membership meeting is at Crosslake CommunicationsEveryone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  Hope to see you there.

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This page was last updated 12/31/2006  Ø