United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

ARRL Field Day June 24-25, 2006

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club participated in the Annual ARRL Field Day on Saturday, June 24th, and Sunday, June 25thAs with last year, the club setup at the Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area near Crosby-Ironton, MN.  The site has about 200 feet of elevation above the surrounding area. 

Thanks to Jim KCØWME and Steve Weber WØTNT, of the DNR (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources), for helping make possible our stay at the site.

Lyle KØLFV bolts a three-element 10 to 20 meter beam on the BAARC crank-up tower with the help of numerous club members.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Terri (no call sign yet) wife of John John WØJGY at the HF station. 

CQ Field Day, CQ Field Day. This is WØUJ, Whiskey Zero Uniform Juliet, calling CQ and listening. 

The BAARC Communications Trailer with the 3-element beam, G5RV, and 2 meter/440 antenna. 

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Mark WØMH and Paula WØHA at the sideband HF station.   

Tom WØQF used a WINKEY keyer with his Electraft HF QRP rig to make 63 contacts.  His logging software is EQF.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Past BAARC President, Al WØRC, and Past BAARC Secretary, Shirley KCØDCW, make more contacts.  

Skee WØDCY setup an HF through 6 meter station at his travel/trailer home on site.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Skee WØDCY cut firewood for the evening campfire.

A great Field Day campfire.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

Brian KØEOU operated CW on 20 meters in Terry KIØFW's camper/trailer.  Charles W5CCL, Lyle KØLFV, and Skee WØDCY look on.  The antenna was a full-wave 20 meter wire loop.   

The BAARC Communications Trailer just after sunset.  Radio waves are pouring in and out of the beam and G5RV antennas.

Click on each photo for a better/larger view.

About 228 contacts were made on Field Day by the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. 

Those participating this year included John WØJGY, John’s wife Terri (no call sign yet), Charles W5CCL, Lyle KØLFV, Skee WØDCY, Skee’s wife Sharon (no call sign yet), Curt NØCRM, Curt’s son Steve (no call sign yet), Dave KCØTGT, Mark WØMH, Paula WØHA, Terry KIØFW, Gary KØPOW, Gary's wife Paula (no call sign yet), Tom WØQF, Jim WØYA, Jim KCØWME, Steve WØTNT, Al WØRC, Shirley KCØDCW, and Brian KØEOU.    

 Story by Mark Persons WØMH  BAARC's 2005 Field Day.  Details
BAARC's 2004 Field Day.  Details

BAARC's 2003 Field Day.  Details

Jim Talbott
& Field Day
Our next meeting is at Crosslake.  We will see our new 147.03 MHz+ repeater installation and learn more about Crosslake Communications.  Details

Hope to see you there.

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This page was last updated 12/31/2006  Ø