United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Brainerd Area Hamfest  Saturday, July 15, 2006

The 6th Annual Brainerd Area Hamfest


Many thanks to Dave KBØVYI for the use of his sound system.  Dave is a professional announcer at WJJY Radio in Brainerd and runs a DJ sound service for weddings and social gatherings.  

The Friday setup crew.  Al WØRC, Shirley KCØDCW, Alan AAØAS, Roger WØWUG, Jim WØIRE, Charles W5CCL, Mark WØMH, and Lyle KØLFV.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Jay Bellows, KØQB, representing the ARRL, setup just in time before the Hamfest doors opened.

Hamfest talk-in was handled by Jim KØTXT on the left.  He was aided by Terry KIØFW, not shown in the photo.  In the center is ARRL Minnesota Section Manager Skip KSØJ.  On the right is June KCØNGL handing out brochures for Handi-Hams.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Lyle KØLFV sold items at his table.

A great place to do eyeball QSO's with Ham friends.

Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Hams and more hams showed up for bargains.


Click on the photo for a better/larger view.

Elvin Schmidt NØOYQ of St. Cloud, MN, won the Yeasu FT-7800 dual-band mobile raffle prize and John Berglund of St. Paul, MN, KØUBA won the dual-band Icom handheld which was the main door prize.

Well the 2006 Brainerd Hamfest is history.  First, I would like to thank everyone who helped out again this year.

Selling tickets at the front door, Jim WØJDS, Raffle tickets, Fritz WØKO and Charles W5CCL, Back door, Ed KAØEXB and Curt NØCRM., Kitchen help was Shirley KCØDCW, Jim WØIRE and Sharon KBØSQX, Donut sales, Karen YL of Jim WØYA and Marilyn YL of KØLFV.

The PA system was donated by Dave KBØVYI and Emceed by John WØJGY, Dave KCØTGT and Jim WØYA. Prizes were handled by Jim WØIRE and Fritz WØKO. Set up crew consisted of Jim WØIRE, Roger WØWUG, Mark WØMH, Alan AAØAS, Shirley KCØDCW, Charles W5CCL and Lyle KØLFV. The Handi-ham table was handled by June KCØNGL.

Talk-in was done by Terry KIØFW and Jim KØTXT. John W3MQD handled all the money, both getting change for operations and counting and depositing after the Hamfest.

Marv WØYHE put the signs out early in the morning and several ladies cooked and donated bars and cookies. Most of the set up crew were also on hand to take down and store all the tables and chairs. Again Thanks to everyone that helped out, hope I didn’t miss anyone.

Again this year we picked the hottest day of the year which didn’t help anything, especially with all the weather guys hyping about 100 degree temperatures and heat indexes I’m sure caused a few people to stay home. Brainerd did record 102 degrees on Saturday, and $3.00 a gallon gasoline also deterred a few customers.

Next years Hamfest is scheduled for July 14th,so lets hope the weather and gas prices are more in our favor.

 Al WØRC  Brainerd Area Hamfest Chair

Thanks to the following for their donations to the  
Brainerd Area Hamfest on July 15, 2006:

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 560 Delwood Drive north in Baxter and 122 C Street NE in Brainerd.  218-829-1325.  http://www.kfc.com  1 Buffet with beverage.

Northwind Grille  603 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN.  218-829-1551  4  $5 gift certificates. 

Radiall Larsen  Vancouver, WA.  http://www.radialllarsen.com  1-800-ANTENNA.  1 certificate for any mobile antenna from their catalog.

Mills Fleet Farm  300 Dellwood Drive North in Baxter, MN.  http://www.fleetfarm.com  218-829-1565   1  $25 gift certificate.

Menards 15236 Dellwood Drive Drive North, Baxter, MN.   http://menards.com  218-825-7300  2 Canvas Menards Tote Bags.

Batteries Plus 923 Washington Street, Brainerd, MN.   http://www.batteriesplus.com  218-824-8888  1  $25 gift certificate.

WorldRadio, Inc. at 2120 28th St. Sacramento, CA  www.wr6wr.com    3  1-year gift subscriptions to WorldRadio.

ARRL  Newington, CT.   http://www.arrl.org   1 - Amateur Radio Handbook, 1 Antenna Handbook, and 1 Repeater Directory.

Burghardt Amateur Center  http://www.burghardt-amateur.com  2 - Midland Weather Radios, 1- Increase your code speed tape.

Many thanks also to Radio City of Mounds View, MN, for being the major retail vendor at the Hamfest. 

They support us, please support them.


The 7th Annual Brainerd Area Hamfest is scheduled for July 14, 2007.   Hope to see you there.

  Brainerd Area Hamfest Chairman Al Doree WØRC  

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This page was last updated 12/31/2006  Ø