United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Membership Meeting on Thursday, March 29, 2007

Scott Heide

One of the speakers of the evening was Scott Heide, Communications Supervisor for the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s OfficeScott gave a rundown on how communications is handled in the county and future plans, which include 800 Mhz-trunking state-wide. He is a likeable guy and we, as a club, will be interfacing more with him in the future.


Lyle KØLR did a program on Software Defined Radio.   He has built up at least three kits and has been checking into the Pico Net using 2 to 3 watts on his Software Defined Radio system.  

See the details about his talk by clicking here.

Jim WØYA discusses Elcraft kit construction with Tom WØQF.  Tom will give a talk on that subject at the next membership meeting on April 26th meeting.  Details
John WØJGY is caught "checking the bands" on the BAARC HF Station. 
(l-r son and father) Steve KCØYTE and and Curt NØCRM exchange notes on a DX map of the world.  
Past "First Ladies" of the club Paula WØHA and Shirley KCØDCW

Jim Talbott
& Program

Our next membership meeting is Thursday, April 26th.  We will be discussing kit building.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.


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This page was last updated 04/02/2007  Ø