United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Membership Meeting on Thursday, April 26, 2007

As usual, monthly membership meeting was held at the Brainerd High School South Campus at 7 PM.
(l-r) Fritz WØKO, Darrell ABØVP, and Lyle KØLR at coffee time.
(l-r) Mark WØMH, Jess NØQKH, and Terry KIØFW.  Mark and Jess are radio broadcast engineers.  Mark lives in Brainerd and Jess was visiting from Minneapolis. 
(l-r) Lyle KØLR and Alan AAØAS at the club station.  They always have a great time at the meetings.

The speaker was Tom WØQF.  He helped at the BAARC Field Day 2006 with his kit-built Elecraft K2 Transceiver.  Tom will discussed his kit building experiences with the group:

The trail to QRP:  I got interested in QRP operation while living in New York.  In the early 90’s I was using a full sized 20Mtr beam up 60 feet fed with hard-line.  Using my 100W, I found my CW signal was getting a lot of Russian short wave listeners QSL cards, all giving me 589/599 reports.  I started to reduce my power, and over a year or so was down to 20W still maintaining excellent signal reports.

The next year I decided to enter the ARRL 160 meter CW contest using QRP.  Problem was my ICOM RF power output would only reduce to 8W.  After a little experimenting I was able to attenuate my output signal to 5W.  I put up an inverted V over the beam, fed it with open wire feeders, and went on the air.. I won the contest for the eastern section, but had to stay up all night to do it. 

Later after moving back to Minnesota, I started building QRP rigs,  must have built 6 before stumbling upon the Elecraft K2. Wow, now here was a QRP radio that had band switching, adjustable filters, automatic antenna tuner, and other bells and whistles!  Should I go for #7 radio?  Well, after receiving the new kit, I opened up the cartons and took out all the bags of parts, stood back and thought, “I have made a mistake!, I’ve paid $600, and all I have to show for it is some large bags of parts, now what?”

I did not keep track of the time it took to build/test the new radio, but I now had the K2 on the air.  Finally, I had found a radio that had everything one could want in a QRP radio.  The receiver is very quiet, selectivity is very adequate, variable output-power from 0.1 – 15W, and all the panel controls are user friendly.  Since the radio has been operating, I have not had any maintenance issues, so I am a happy camper, and would recommend anyone to buy the rig.  There are folks mentioned on the Elecraft web www.elecraft.com  site that will build a rig for you, some will do it for free…. Tom Jones, WØQF

Of course, everyone wanted to see what the kit looked like up close. 

Jim Talbott
& Program

At the meeting on Thursday, May 31st, we be shown the APRS precision mapping software that the club has just purchased. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.


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This page was last updated 05/13/2007  Ø