All Things HF: November 2017

First thing out of the chute would be my observations on HF band conditions from late October to the middle of November. There were a dozen days in a row with no sunspots observed resulting in low SFI numbers. As we all know, HF propagation improves during the winter months for whatever reason even though the aforementioned numbers are less than encouraging. I am on HF almost every day looking for whatever is available with good signals whether it be DX or a rag chewing QSO.

The past 30 days have been proven once again, HF propagation is good during the winter months regardless of sunspots or lack thereof allowing me to enjoy what I like best in this hobby and that’s getting on the bands calling CQ or answering a DX looking for ATNO’s for his/hers 5 band DXCC.

From the git go I have always logged every HF contact made using contact software for my logging computer. Logging is not a requirement of the FCC and so its up to the operator to log or not to log. I started chasing DX for awards as soon as I had HF privileges along with working all states, all continents including working all zones. Logging was a necessity plus I always felt logging was the responsible way to operate. After long conversations with myself along with achieving the awards, I decided to quit logging with two exceptions. I will log all ATNO’s along with logging for anyone who needs my QSL card.

Its improved my disposition (smile) while operating HF along with removing a self-imposed requirement while working contests, casual rag chews and answering DX CQ’s that are nothing more than a contact lasting 10 seconds. There are lots of valid reasons to log all HF contacts for those of you working the paper chase along with those of you that work multiple digital modes…as for me, I’m getting more laid back in my operating procedures.

Now its time to remind you operators, log or no log, to sit at your station, find an open frequency and call CQ because someone somewhere is listening for your call…don’t disappoint them. Have a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving from my station in Huntersville to your station.

Best 73 es gud DX from Bob/WØZPE

All Things HF: October 2017

All Things HF

It’s about people, it’s all about people. I look back over 20 years ago as I entered the hobby of Ham Radio Operator. The ARRL had given me the phone number and address of Barb Ranson (AAØI/SK) the president of the Wadena Radio Club. I met Barb at her home as she generously took time to show me her radio station and to encouraged me to purchase a book from the ARRL titled ‘Now you’re Talking’ and so I did.

I studied the book’s chapters until I was ready to take the exam for both Novice along with the Technician class license. After testing (and passing both) one of the VE’s came over to introduce himself. Pete Meyer (NØFW) who was home on break from NDSU where his major was civil engineering was that VE. Pete lived and breathed radio…he was an avid DXer who was the first Ham to introduce me to the world of DX. Pete’s home is now in Hamilton, Ohio where he is a patent/copyright attorney. Go figure, from engineering to the world of law. Pete is now on the top of the DXCC honor roll, he’s a number 1 along with being a world class DXer whom I hear in the pileups occasionally. He has 5 band DXCC and presently working on obtaining 160-meters DXCC. Both Barb and Pete encouraged me along the way to being a good radio operator. It’s the people that make this hobby great.

I joined the BAARC where I was encouraged and mentored by several wonderful Hams that I don’t need to mention. Again, it’s about the people. My electronic logbook has over 16,000 QSO’s (paper logs have a few thousand more) of the people that make this a great hobby. I took the CW examination in order to get my Tech Plus license and…get on HF finally. One of the present BAARC club members encouraged me to get serious about CW which I did years later. The very first DX station I worked on CW was well after my 80th birthday. It’s all about people, the people who are always there to help you along the way. Just imagine calling CQ if there were no ‘people’ to answer. Before closing I’d like to mention that the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) of which I am a contributing member has pledged a large sum of money to the DXpedition to Baker/Howland so we DXer’s can obtain an ATNO.

Again, it’s all about the people. So long from Huntersville for now, don’t forget to sit at your station and call CQ because someone, somewhere is out there waiting for your call (one of those nice people).

Best 73 es gud DX from my station to yours. Bob/WØZPE

All Things HF: September 2017

Talk about band conditions…the Month of September had its ups and downs along with complete band blackouts. Don’t despair, even with poor conditions there is always something out there if you look for it. Remember the proverb ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’. This applies to both life experiences as well as operating an HF radio station.

In order to develop good operating techniques prior to calling your first CQ, sit down at your station and listen, when you’ve listened enough, listen some more. The weekends are taken up with contesting…a great place and time to be listening and learning. I like to think of this as ‘boot camp’. Those of you who have served in the military will understand that you learn by listening. Having said that, I have to pass this along to you. Several nights ago I listened on my vertical to 80-meters in order to pick up some of the ‘good old boys’ that hang out on the band in the evenings. Please, just listen for entertainment, don’t pick up those operators bad habits…especially their potty language. Makes you wonder how they get away with it. The FCC or an ARRL frequency cop allowing that language along with poor operating on HF is a mystery to me.

Good operating techniques include the 5 most important words you will use as an HF operator. Prior to jumping on an open frequency you’ll say ‘is the frequency in use’ plus don’t forget to ID your call. All emissions require your call sign, no exceptions. Sometimes you’ll not hear another operator on the frequency so be sure to ask and if you’re on frequency and another operator asks ‘is the frequency in use’ you’ll reply, YES and THANK YOU FOR ASKING. This is the right thing to do and its good operating technique. Okay, it’s time to sit down at your station and call CQ because someone somewhere is listening for your call. Don’t disappoint them. So long from Huntersville for now…

Best 73 es gud DX  Bob/WØZPE

All Things HF: August


Breaking News: The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) has announced that they will be contributing $100,000 to the Bouvet Island DXpedition. I’m proud to be a contributing member to the foundation.

The first thing I needed to do after obtaining my novice ticket was to outfit my 1st station with an HF radio. Even though there were no HF privileges for novice licensees, I needed to become a listener of HF in order to get on the air without sounding like a lid.

So, how do you pick your entry level HF rig, well, I was a member of ARRL and received a monthly copy of QST magazine. The copy I was reading at the time was highlighting an article on the National Hurricane Center and their selection of an HF station setup. The NHC had selected Yaesu and I’m thinking ‘if it’s good enough for the NHC its good enough for me’. I didn’t give a thought to the possibility of Yaesu being the low bidder for the station’s equipment. So, I called Burghardt’s (burglar heart we used to call them) to order an entry level HF rig. My very first (there were more) rig was a Yaesu FT-840. This was a no nonsense simple, no bells, no whistles HF rig. I might mention my antenna was a vertical. Now the definition of vertical is that it radiates equally poorly in every direction so I was told by a lot of old timers.

Turns out that they were spot on with their ‘wise guy’ description but what the hey, when I received HF privileges I knew no better. Over the years the station grew with this and that plus a better radio to enhance my operating techniques. Talk about a mish mosh of peripheral items and 100 miles of wire, I had a nightmare for a radio station…something had to be done. I pulled the plug on my HF station one cold winter day and proceeded to align the equipment along with rewiring the entire station. When the project was completed, everything on my operating position was within my reach.

Wow, what a pleasure it was to sit down and call CQ. The new setup allowed me to get that DX I needed and the DX I wanted. Antennas? Yes, there are a bunch of them but…we’re discussing the operating desk. The peripheral items are so important with number one being a VSWR meter large enough to read while operating. I consider the microphone to be the second most important so I talked to the ‘guy’ who knows microphones. Bob Heil pointed me in the right direction. My new mic is a PR 781 studio quality, mounted on a boom attached to the wall. I’ve always used a foot switch for push to talk, also by Heil. If you look closely at the mic boom you’ll see a set of earphones. Do not operate without them. It’s a whole different world of quality sound that comes from the radio to your ears. Also, keeps your wife happy…she doesn’t have to listen to the other guy and his static. My earphones are also by Heil. The top rig in the photo is a Yaesu FT-950 use for CW operation only plus, it’s a stand-by radio just in case.

Below the 950 is my pride and joy and the state of the art in HF radios (today at least). Meet my Yaesu FT DX 3000. It’s really a nice rig to operate I do keep the operators manual close by…I need it! My power supply is equipped with meters telling me that my operating conditions are okay. The amplifier is a solid state Ameritron 1300 rated for 1200 watts output. My CW paddle is by Vibroplex. Last but not least is my laptop computer, I cannot operate without it. It took me almost 20 years to get my station in the shape it’s in today…don’t lose hope, everybody goes through station growth over the years and they all grow by experience.

The first thing is to know what mode you’re going to operate and so that way you can plan your station layout. I’ve named the brands I use but in no way do I recommend what you’re going to use in your station. Remember when your station is ready to go, sit down and call CQ because someone somewhere is listening for your call, don’t disappoint them. So long from Huntersville for now.

Best 73 es gud DX de Bob/WØZPE