BAARC Remote Station Antenna installation at the high-rise.

BAARC Remote Station Antenna installation at the high-rise.
On Saturday April 1, 2017 Mitch, Al, Steve, John, Nick, Lyle performed some work on the high rise in anticipation of setting up the BAARC remote HF station.
The  group hung up an Alpha-Delta Fan Dipole, the response of the antenna is somewhat narrow and the team will investigate some additional options. The antenna remained in place until we determine the next steps.
Al and John put a new termination on the hardline for the 6-Meter repeater and re-started the repeater.

BAARC Breakfast and Technology meeting March 18, 2017

Saturday morning there was a very large turnout for the BAARC breakfast the technology meeting.
At the breakfeast, Mitch AD0HJ and Nick W0NY shared some new work that they have been working on. Nick downloaded and printed an enclosure for the PiGate (a Raspberry Pi PC and TNC) to be used for emergency operations. Be sure to attend our next club meeting to learn more about Winlink 2000 and email capability using our amateur radios.
Mitch shared the PiGate device that he has built. This standalone PC boots up and becomes WiFi hotspot that you can send emails in an emergency.

At the Technology meeting there was also a large turnout for the meeting at the library. At that meeting, we discussed the following:

  • BAARC website server move to the Crosby site
  • The future BAARC remote HF station and associated antenna
  • The upgrades to the BAARC repeater linking
  • Future ideas for the Gull Lake site
  • Discussion regarding re-purposing our old repeater equipment.

2017 Northland Skywarn Amateur Radio Meeting

On Saturday March 11, 2017 five member of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio club participated in the annual Northland Skywarn Amateur Radio Meeting and planning session.

Members from BAARC that attended included the following:
John: W0WY Terry: KI0FW Al: W0RC Dave: K0ISZ Steve: N0CRM

The Northland Skywarn Amateur Radio community leaders (18 counties of coverage from the Duluth National Weather Service Network) met with the NWS to discuss past practices and plan for the upcoming severe weather season.
This meeting is also a medium for Northland Hams to meet and discuss their area-wide communications practices.

Meeting activities included the following:
Review of last year’s meeting action items
Review of the Duluth NWS Network
Activation Review/Updates
Review of Situational Awareness and weather reporting tools
CoCoRaHS – Measure and report rainfall
mPING – is an app for your Smartphone Android or IOS; Enable GPS, This began as a         precipitation tool but has expanded

We also learned about some of the members favorite tools that they use:
Google Voice: This tool allows you to create a single
You can choose a brand new number from Google or use your existing mobile number to get    the full set of Google Voice features, like:
• one number that rings all your phones
• online voicemail with transcriptions, sent to you by email or text
• custom greetings and call blocking, and much more

Zoom Weather Pro

Radar Scope Very good reports about radar accuracy Many storm chasers and spotters use this. You must answer some questions regarding spotting before you are allowed.

Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 17-21st
There will be a drill on April 20th.
• The test tornado watch will be issued at 1:00 PM
• All spotter groups will be officially activated at 1:15 PM
• The test tornado warning will be issued at 1:45 PM
• The test warning will end at 2:00 PM
Please note that a second test tornado warning will be issued at 6:45 PM

BAARC Donation to Bouvet Island DXpedition-2018

On behalf of the Bouvet Island DXpedition-2018, thank you for your kind contribution of $100 USD on behalf of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.

Please accept this small gift (download the attachment) to recognize your important and generous contribution toward the Bouvet DXpedition-2018 expenses. As you probably know, this is likely the most expensive DXpedition ever attempted.

It is dedicated and generous DXers like you and your club members that make DXpeditions such as this possible, and we are pleased that BAARC is now one of our important supporters.

One of the goals of the Bouvet Island DXpedition-2018 is to provide at least one QSO to every DXer who needs this #2 ranked DXCC entity for an all-time new one (ATNO). Also, we want to provide as many band/mode contacts needed by DXers as we possibly can. We believe we have the plan, the team and the equipment to make this happen!

Your contribution will help make all this a reality for not only our team of DXpeditioners, but for DXers, worldwide…THANK YOU!

See you in the pileups!

For the team,
Ralph Fedor – KØIR
Bob Allphin – K4UEE
Erling Wiig – LA6VM


BAARC Donation