BAARC Supports Brainerd JC’s Ice Fishing Extravaganza 2017

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club worked communications for the Brainerd JC’s Ice Fishing Extravaganza on Saturday, January 28, 2017.
We would like to thank the following members that worked the event. John WØWY was our shuttle driver getting BAARC operators picked up from and delivered back to the parking lots. Michael KEØAFZ and guest worked center ice keeping us informed of what was going on; Terry KIØFW was our medical tent operator; CJ WØWUH, Leon KEØAFY, Bob KR6RCO, Nick WØNY, and Dave KDØVJL covered our bucket checkpoints. Mark KEØLFQ covered the bus stop for us. Dave KEØIUZ worked at the handicap access area. Al WØRC was our ‘on-ice’ rover and ATV transporter of operators to and from center ice. Alan AAØAS and Shirley KØDCW were our net control operators for this event.
The BAARC and its operators were thanked by the JC’s for a great job well done. Thank You to everyone that worked this event.
Al WØRC & Shirley KØDC

No Pictures of the event were available at posting time.

2017 Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza

Hello BAARC members, we just want to remind everyone that the 2017 Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza is just around the corner and we will be supporting event as we do every year. We are looking for volunteers to help with the event.

Al & Shirley are once again chairing this event (Thank you Al and Shirley), and here is a list of the operators we need.

Shirley will do net control duties and Al will bring his ATV and sled to take operators to center ice.

We need operators for:

Lake side Bus Stop.


Shadow for event chairperson.

North and South check stations.

Extras for rotation and net control.

Rover to pick up operators from bus stop.

Here are some pictures form the year 2015:

2017 Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza

147.225 Crosby repeater work

On Saturday December 17th, Mitch (AD0HJ) and Steve (N0CRM) went to the Crosby to adjust the repeater squelch level and load a new firmware update on the Fusion repeater.

There is a cyclic signal that is being seen on the input of the repeater. A slight adjustment to the Squelch level helped resolve the problem. The cyclic signal is still seen on the input, but the level change has helped

Both of the repeaters 147.225 on the bottom and 443.925 on the top.



Mitch AD0AHJ is loading new firmware updates into the repeater.