November 2016 Secretary report Import test

Thursday-November 17, 2016 – 4:00 PM – BAARC Board Meeting Minutes
Brainerd Fire Station

President: Steve Mott NØCRM Past Presidents: Charles Lane W5CCL, Al Doree WØRC
Vice President: Lyle Amundson KØLFV Director At Large: Al Doree WØRC
Treasurer: Doug Bergsnev WØDWB Repeater Trustee: Fritz Bertelt WØKO
Secretary: Ron Finger KØGOP Director of Emergency Communications: John Luce WØWY
Community & Special Events Coordinator: TJ Graves KØTEG

Attendees: Steve NØCRM, Ron KØGOP, Al WØRC, John WØWY, Lyle KØLFV, Shirley KØDCW, Mitch ADØHJ, Dave KØISZ and Nick KØNJR.
The President opened the Board Meeting at 4:00 PM.

Secretary’s Report: Membership roster shows 90 paid members for November 2016. The October BAARCer was published to the website. Other activities included updating of the Club roster and Gmail contact list.
Motion to accept: John WØWY, Second Al WØRC, Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: In his absence, the Treasurer forwarded his report summary to the Vice President for the board.

Membership Meeting Program: The President reviewed recent and future Club programs and events. The December membership meeting will be held a week early due to the Christmas holiday. John WØWY confirmed the December 15 meeting date with the fire department secretary.

Upcoming Events: BAARC Christmas party and snack potluck on Thursday, December 15. Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza on January 28 with February 18 backup date. Mid-Minnesota 150 Dog Sled Race on February 11. Minnesota QSO Party Special Event Station on February 4.

Old Business: John WØWY has received written permission to locate a Club 20’ x 8’ storage container within the Brainerd Fire Station fenced area. This will be used to house the many items in the Club inventory currently located at several members homes and out-buildings. Motion to select and purchase at a cost not to exceed $2000, a Club storage unit including delivery and placement: Lyle KØLFV, Second John WØWY, Passed. Lyle reported the CC-DX antenna is now in place at the Brainerd High-Rise remote base site. The traps need to be raised higher. John and Al reported we are waiting for responses on the Gull Lake site relocation and Granite City HT programming projects.

New Business: Repeater Committee planning meeting will be held at the Northland Arboretum, Saturday November 19, 1000-1200. Nick KØNJR and Mitch ADØHJ presented the new Club website that they and Dave KEØIUZ have been refining over the prior weeks. The board was very impressed with the updated look and feel of the site, and elected to go live on January 1, 2017. Motion to go live on 1/1/2017: Nick KØNJR, Second Mitch ADØHJ, Passed. Mitch will investigate the new hosting requirements with our current Crosslake Communications host.
The board accepted with regret, Fritz WØKO’s resignation of Club duties as BAARCer Editor, and Repeater Trustee. Fritz also coordinated the Sunday Night Net NCS operators and was the Club’s “Chairman of Cheer”, sending cards to members and families over the years. The Board appointed Mitch as the new Repeater Trustee; Motion: Al WØRC, Second Ron KØGOP, Passed. Mitch also agreed to serve as Sunday Night Net Coordinator. A discussion was held on moving the BAARCer to an online-only format in conjunction with the new website. Legacy volumes for prior years will also be transferred and available on the Club site. The Board will seek members interested in assisting with photography and content for this new BAARCer format. Ron KØGOP volunteered to act as Photo Editor, retouching and prepping any images as needed for publication.
The election of 2017 Club officers was reviewed and scheduled for the 7 PM meeting. In an email to the board, the President relayed a request by a local Crosby Ham that has just returned to the area and seeking help in setting up his antennas. TJ KØTEG responded with an offer to help, as did other members at the Board meeting.
The board meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Thursday-November 17, 2016 – 7:00 PM – BAARC Membership Meeting Minutes
Brainerd Fire Station
The President opened the Club membership business meeting at 7:00 PM with 34 members and guests present. Treasurer’s report submitted showing all month’s account transactions and balances to date. The election of 2017 officers was held, with the Secretary casting a unanimous ballot for the Club. Ron KØGOP presented a Station Grounding System prepared for Civil Air Patrol Communications. Mitch ADØHJ and Nick KØNJR presented the new Club website to the membership, developed along with the Website Planning Committee over the last year.
–Respectfully submitted by Ron KØGOP, Secretary

2017 Officer Election Results

At the November club membership meeting the 2017 Board Member Election was held and here are the new members.

Congratulations, New Officers & Directors for 2017



Pictured l-r back row: TJ Graves (KØTEG) Community & Special Events Director; Mitch Ahrenstorff (ADØHJ) Repeater Trustee; Lyle Amundson (KØLFV) Director-at-Large. Front row l-r: John Luce (WØWY) Vice President; Steve Mott (NØCRM) President; Doug Bergsnev (WØDWB) Treasurer; Ron Finger (KØGOP) Secretary. Photo—NØCRM