July 2021 Secretary’s Report


President: Steve Mott NØCRM
Vice President: Terry May KIØFW
Treasurer: Doug Bergsnev WØDWB
Secretary: Ron Finger KØGOP
Past Presidents: Charles Lane W5CCL, Al Doree WØRC
Director At Large: Lyle Amundson KØLFV
Director of Emergency Communications: John Luce WØWY
Repeater Trustee: Jay Andolshek KAØDYN
Community & Special Events Coordinator: Mark Cross KEØLFQ

Attendees: Lyle KØLFV, Doug WØDWB, Terry KIØFW, Ron KØGOP, Al WØRC, Charles W5CCL, and Dave KØISZ. The Vice President opened the Board Meeting at 5:05 PM.

Secretary’s Report: 

  • Membership roster: 87 members with 65 paid for 2021 (as of membership meeting close).
  • Minutes: The June 2021 Club Minutes were distributed to the Board and posted to the Club website
  • Website: Web graphics updated for the BAARC Tailgate Hamfest 2021. July article for Bob WØZPE’s “All Things HF was posted.
  • Correspondence: N0TNJ Donation List Compiled 7/20/2021
  • BAARC Letter-Pat Williamson Donation Thank You 7/21/2021
  • BAARC Letter-John Luce Donation Thank You 7/21/2021
  • BAARC Letter-Aaron J Nielsen Donation Thank You 7/21/2021
  • BAARC Letter-Aaron J Nielsen Donation Used Prices Estimate 7/28/2021
  • BAARC Letter-Dave Chandler KØNRI Thank You 7/28/2021
  • Club membership roster and Gmail recipient list were updated to current status.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • The Treasurer’s report was distributed to the board and presented by the Treasurer, showing all month’s account transactions and balances to date. All bills are current and paid.

Membership Meeting Programs: 

  • The Vice President reviewed the possible Club programs for 2021. There will be no formal Club meetings in August in lieu of the Club picnic.

Digital and Emergency Communications:

  • CWC EOC: no report
  • ARRL: no report
  • SKYWARN: Al WØRC presented updated protocols for using the new NWS chat rooms. Alternate path to NWS-Duluth for severe weather reporting is through their toll free phone number.
  • ARES Central MN Regional Hospital Net: This VHF net occurs at 1PM on the first Wednesday of the month on the Saint Cloud 147.015 repeater. Al WØRC and other members installed a 440 crossband link at one the Hi-rise repeater sites for better local access to the St. Cloud repeater. It is working well and can be accessed for check-ins on 434.0 MHz simplex.

Upcoming BAARC Events

  • Club Storage Container workday: Saturday, July 31; signup sheet at July 29th Club meeting.
  • Tailgate Hamfest: This outdoor event has proved a good option to sustain Club income from sales of donated equipment. We will again plan to host this at the CWC Fairgrounds on Saturday, August 14, 9AM – 1PM.
  • BAARC Picnic: Lum Park, Brainerd, August 21, 11AM. Bring a lunch and beverage; no Fox Hunt this year.

Repeater Trustee & Technical Support

  • Jay KAØDYN has accepted the post of Club Repeater Trustee, and be the official point of contact for the Club repeaters. Jay is also included as a voting member of the Executive Board, per Club Bylaws and Constitution.
  • Interested members are also sought for re-establishing a Club Technology Committee to plan and manage current needs and plan for future technical development Lyle will ask former members for suggestions.

Old Business:

  • Generator purchase: Lyle KØLFV reported that the new Club generator is on order and should arrive August 4-5.
  • The Board will act as the nominations committee for the November, 2021 Club election. Interested members are invited to contact any Board member for consideration.

New Business:

  • Lyle suggested several areas to improve our Club’s appeal to visitors. Among these were the appointment of on or more members to serve as greeters to welcome and make visitors and new members feel welcome.
  • Al WØRC would like to find another Club member(s) to assume the role of Refreshment Coordinator, a job he and Shirley KØDCW has handled for several years. This would involve bringing coffee, soft drinks and cookies to the membership meetings to be reimbursed by the treasurer.
  • The board discussed the recent addition of a group recital of “The Pledge of Allegiance”. It was noted that some recent attendees and visitors expressed surprise that this had been added. After polling each board member, several opinions were considered as to whether this was a plus or minus for Club attendance and it’s appropriateness at a meeting for a diverse group of amateur radio hobbyists. Following a period of spirited discussion the Board voted not to continue this element for our monthly meeting openings.

The Board Meeting was adjourned at 6:12 PM.


Several door prizes were awarded.

18 members and guests enjoyed an interesting presentation by member Tom KDØMOM on his berry farm and a HAM’s efforts to use technology in his battle with hungry wildlife!

Members Colleen WØYIV and Gus WØYJC Christensen graciously volunteered to take on the role of both Club Greeters and Refreshment Coordinators.

—Respectfully submitted by Ron KØGOP, Secretary

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