United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

2-Meter Antenna Construction Project  November 30, 2000

        At the November 30, 2000 meeting of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, members built 2 meter fox hunt antennas from the following plans: 

Harold Gammel, KAØNAN, of St. Paul, MN is the antenna designer.  His web site is:

        This is a return loss plot of the antenna.  It was taken by Mark ,WØMH, using an IFR A7550 Spectrum Analyzer with tracking generator and a Wide Band Engineering model A57TU Return Loss Bridge connected directly to the antenna feed point. Return loss  is another way of expressing antenna VSWR.  The higher the number the less the reflected transmitted energy from the antenna.  In this case, the return loss reference was -40 DB.  It is measured with a short circuit on the return loss bridge sensing port.  All measurements are then taken referenced to this number.  


l-r) BAARC members who participated in the antenna project included Mark WØMH, President Al WØRC, Terry KIØFW, Bob WØZPE, Paula WØHA, John KØJO, Sharon KBØSQX, and Jim KBØTXT.  The antenna that John brought was given to Paula when her name was drawn from a hat.  Bob and Sharon's antennas were under construction and not competed at the time of the meeting.

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006