Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
ARRL Field Day June 22-23, 2002 |
Early arrivals Saturday morning pausing for a photo. A total of 32 licensed hams signed in to participate. Left to right are Past Club President Mark WØMH, Club Secretary Shirley KCØDCW, Club President Al WØRC, newly licensed Cris KCØNGT, Orcy WØQT, Steve WØTNT, Dan AAØNK, Terry KIØFW, Jim WAØAXB, and Club Vice President Jim KCØANQ. They are shown in front of the Club's new communications trailer. | |
BAARC President Al WØRC thanked Conservation Officer Nikki Johnson for the weekend use of the newly established Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area near Crosby-Ironton. Club member Steve WØTNT is a Department of Natural Resources employee and is largly responsible for getting the Field Day site. It was once an iron mine. Note the orange tires on the truck. | |
Operators Jim WAØAXB, Dan AAØNK, and BAARC Vice President Jim KCØANQ | |
Most CW contacts were made by Art NØTNJ. He carried his own keyer to the site. Art's favorite code speed is 30 words per minute. | |
The Field Day site is an iron mine tailings hill with a beautiful overlook. Here you can see some lakes below created by the mining. It is a great site for HF and VHF. A 2 meter SSB contact with a station in Rochester, MN, about 200 miles away, was just one of 302 contacts made. | |
(l-r) Richard KA9VOA who recently became a member of the Club after moving to the area from Wisconsin, Paula WØHA, and Bob KGØZK. | |
Dan AAØNK operating from the tent of Orcy WØQT. Dan was class instructor to students who became Technician Class hams this spring. | |
The portable power generator had some problems. They were solved by installing a new spark plug and using premium gas rather than regular gas with an alcohol additive. (l-r) Jack KCØKIB, BAARC President WØRC, Steve WØTNT, and Club V. P. Jim KCØANQ. | |
Terry KIØFW operated VHF solar/battery powered. He is also honing his skill with a keyer that he built recently. | |
(l-r) Mark WØMH and Alan AAØAS operating the main station from the Club communications trailer. | |
Signing in to operate were Ken KAØJSW, Jim KCØANQ, Al, WØRC, Jack KCØKIB, Shirley KCØDCW, Mark WØMH, Jim WAØAXB, Terry KIØFW, Dan AAØNK, Art NØTNJ, Curt NØCRM, Cris, KCØNGK, Steve WØTNT, Jon KBØMNM, Mary KCØNGM, Richard KA9VOA, John WØJGY, Orcy WØQT, Bob KGØZK, Paula WØHA, Bill KBØLZR, Roger WØWUG, Dan WRØDK, Dave NØXHT, Carlos NØOHX, Alan AAØAS, Janet KØJE, C.J. KØCJ, Lyle KØLR, Tom W6HT, Dick KBØZIE, and Bernie KØIMD. |
Jim KCØANQ, BAARC VP & Field Day Coordinator A fun time was had by all.
Al Doree WØRC, President of BAARC.
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Story posted 5 PM 6/23/02. Last update 12/19/2006 Ø