United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Thank You to Donors

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. is a 501C3 non-profit corporation. Any contributions are gratefully appreciated and are tax deductible. BAARC
Hungry Horse Ranch
23577 360th Street
Menahga, MN 56464

(l-r) Club President, Al Doree WØRC; Vice President, Jim Schubert KCØANQ; Secretary, Shirley Doree KCØDCW; Treasurer, Bob Feuer WØZPE;  Repeater Trustee, Fritz Bertelt WØKO; and Director at Large, John Luce WØJGY. 
Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the  
Brainerd Area Hamfest
on July 19, 2003:

Burghardt Amateur Center in Watertown, SD  http://www.burghardt-amateur.com  800-927-4261  

Amateur Electronic Supply in Milwaukee, WI  http://www.aesham.com  800-558-0411

Giovanni's Pizza at 625 Oak Street in Brainerd  218-828-4978

Kentucky Fried Chicken (near the NE Mall in Brainerd)  http://www.kfc.com  218-855-0680

Northwest Pizza/Boardwalk Bread N Bagel at 302 East Washington Street, Brainerd, MN  218-825-9000

Applebee's Restaurant on Highway 371 north in Baxter  http://www.applebees.com  218-833-1400

Taco John's Restaurant Washington Street & 1st Ave. NE in Brainerd  http://www.tacojohns.com  218-829-7375

Sawmill Inn/Embers Restaurant 601 Washington St. in Brainerd  http://www.embersamerica.com  218-829-5444

Bob Feuer - WØZPE Hungry Horse Ranch  http://www.ranchontheweb.com

Norway Ridge Supper Club 1/2 mile so. of Ideal Corners, Pequot Lakes.  http://www.norwayridge.com  218-543-6136

Batteries Plus on 371 north in Baxter.  http://www.batteriesplus.com   218-824-8888

US Link Long distance and Internet service.  http://www.uslink.com   877-741-5465

Iven's on the Bay restaurant, Hwy 371 North of Brainerd.  http://www.brainerd.com/ivens  218-829-9872

World Radio Magazine  http://www.wr6wr.com  

Fritz Bertelt WØKO donated Minnesota Twins tickets.

Menards on Hwy 371 North in Baxter.  http://www.menards.com  218-825-7300

ARRL (American Radio Relay League).  http://www.arrl.net

Radio City in Mounds View, MN.  http://www.radioinc.com  800-426-2891

MFJ Enterprises, Inc. http://www.mfjenterprises.com  800-647-1800

Bilal M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.  http://www.M2inc.com    559-432-8873

Air Hobbies (Pete NØBLX) 217 South 7th Street, Brainerd  218-851-2934

They support us, please support them.

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø