United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Brainerd Area Hamfest  July 19, 2003

The Third Annual Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Hamfest was a huge success.  Radio City was there to show the latest equipment.  Many, many great door prizes were given away.  See: Prize Donors
The set-up crew on Friday afternoon at the Brainerd National Guard Armory.  

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Saturday morning, bright and early, talk-in started at 6 AM by Terry KIØFW in Crosslake, MN.  He was joined at 7:15 AM by Jim KBØTXT who is pictured at the left.  

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Hams started arriving before the start time.  The weather was just right.  They congregated in front of the Armory waiting for the door to open.  

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At 9 AM, the rush was on to see and buy the Hamfest items.

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Here is Paula WØHA at the Club Table with Steve Weber.

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BAARC President Al WØRC is in a green and orange vest talking with a Hamfest patron in front of the Radio City tables.

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Back in the kitchen, Paula WØHA is inspecting the work of chefs Bob WØZPE and Bob KGØZK.  

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Out in the cafeteria area, people were really gobbling down Cactus Bob's (WØZPE's) Chili.  At $2.00.

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DX card checking was done on the floor as well.  Here, Ron N5IN is chatting with Paul WØPJ and DX Card Checker Glenn Johnson WØGJ.  Paul is a son of Glenn.  Both live in Bemidji.  Ron is the owner of Digi-Key, which is a well know electronic part supplier.

Click here for a better look at the photo.

Hamfest announcing was handled by John WØJGY and Jim WØJDS.

There was a huge list of prizes:  Prize Donors

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The Handi-Ham table was manned by (l-r) Terry (wife of John WØJGY), Marv WØYHE, and June KCØNGL.  In the background is Jim KBØTXT doing talk-in.  The photo was taken just before the Hamfest started.

Click here for a better look at the photo.

If patrons did not have the time to run to the kitchen for food, it was brought to them by Kali Bergman (pushing the cart) and Orcy WØQT (behind Kali).

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What would a Hamfest be without ARRL Participation?  (l-r) Section Traffic Manager Bob WØLAW, Assistant Director of the Dakota Division Mike KØBUD, and Section Manager of North Dakota Kent KAØLDG. 

Kent and two others flew into the Brainerd-Crow Wing Regional Airport for the show and were brought into town by John WØJGY.  Also, four hams flew in from Faribault, MN.

Click here for a better look at the photo.

Winner of the Grand Prize was Greg NØLJY.  He is shown on the left in blue with his father Skee KCØDCY.  The prize was a mobile 2-meter radio.

The main door prize, the 2M ICOM HT from Burghardt was won by Jim Nelson, WØOQ of Faribault.  He was a member of one of the two "fly in" groups who attended the Hamfest. He was very complimentary of our Hamfest.

Click here for a better look at the photo.

Photos by Jim WAØAXB and Mark WØMH

Jim Shubert WØJDS
BAARC V.P. and Hamfest Co-Chairman
Hope to see you at the next Brainerd Area Hamfest on August 7, 2004

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø