Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Thank-You to Donors |
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. is a 501C3 non-profit corporation. Any contributions are gratefully appreciated and are tax deductible. | Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Treasurer - Bob Englund KGØZK 2171 Red Oak Drive SW Brainerd, MN 56401 |
Thanks to the following for
their donations to the Brainerd Area Hamfest on August 7, 2004: Batteries Plus Hwy 371 north in Baxter. http://www.batteriesplus.com 218-824-8888. 3 $25 gift certificates Northwind Grille at 603 Laurel Street
in downtown Brainerd. 218-829-1551. 4 $5 gift
certificates Applebee's Restaurant at 15240 Dellwood Drive in Baxter. 218-833-1405 http://applebees.com 1 $10 Gift Certificate Amateur Electronic Supply in Milwaukee, WI 800-558-0411 http://www.aesham.com 4 $10 gift certificates Worldradio, Inc. at 2120 28th St.
Sacramento, CA www.wr6wr.com
6 1-year
gift subscriptions Burghardt Amateur Center, Watertown,
SD MDM Radio, Ltd. Melrose Park, Il 60160 708-681 0300 2 television controllers LCC Enterprises St. Paul, MN. 1 License Plate Antenna Mount Radio City Moundsview, MN.
2 ARRL Books They support us, please support them. |
to the Hamfest Page
This page was last updated 02/16/2009 Ø