United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Ice Fishing Contest  January 22,  2005

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club provided communications at the annual Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza on Gull Lake.  This was a fun public service event for club members and is a charity fund raiser.   This is a fun event for radio operators.  

Photo looking west across Gull Lake from the center of the event.  Thanks to the "brave" Paula WØHA who took the photo high atop a bucket truck. 

Net Control from inside the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club Communications Trailer.

(l-r) Roger KBØUUN, Al WØRC, Roger WØDEU, and John WØRUB

The ham radio group outside the Communications Trailer.

About 9,000 anglers participated in the 15th Annual Brainerd Jaycees $150,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza.  A 3.71 pound walleye won the grand prize which was a new truck. Helping to make the event a huge success were 13 amateur radio operators.
The planning and setup for the event was handled by: John WØJGY, Al WØRC, Steve WØTNT, Jim WØJDS, and Jack WØJEM. The BAARC communication trailer was brought out to Gull Lake on Friday afternoon during a 6 inch snowstorm. The antennas were installed and radios setup and cables connected. This year we were connected to the house generator which allowed us to leave the heat on throughout the night.
The big day started at 7:30 AM with Al WØRC, Lyle KØLFV, and Steve WØTNT getting into position and starting the net control station. We had two radios running in the trailer during the event. One was set for the BAARC 147.225 MHz repeater and the other set at 146.580 MHz simplex. The simplex was used as the main on ice frequency.  Al WØRC did a wonderful job of serving as net control, making assignments, and rotating workers. The second wave of radio operators joined in around mid-morning. They were: Alan AAØAS, Roger KBØUUN, Greg NØLJY, Paula WØHA, Roger WØDEU, and John KCØRUB. Jim WØIRE was stationed at the Crow Wing County Law Enforcement Center (CWC LEC) and served as our direct contact to the dispatchers.
The cannon rang-out at 12 Noon to start the event. During the next three hours we only had one serious call for assistance. In that case, Al W0RC had to call the CWC LEC to to have the ambulance crew dispatched to an incident on the ice. Other than that, ham operators were periodically rotated in and out of the Quarter Boss Trailers. Greg NØLJY was assigned to shadow the Chief of Security, Steve Jobe. That position required a lot of walking and Greg handled it just wonderfully.
The cannon rang-out again at 3:00 PM to close the event. Almost all at once, nine thousand anglers left the ice and headed for the 48 busses that shuttled folks back and forth to the parking lot located at Brainerd International Raceway. The communication trailer was torn down in a matter of minutes.  Al WØRC hitched the trailer to his van and off he went. Actually, he only went about 50 feet before he got stuck the first time and 100 feet before he got stuck the second time. The snow drifts from the six inches of snow the day before were not very friendly.  Anyway, a little shoveling and a lot of laughing helped to get the trailer on the move again.     
Roger WØDEU, and John KCØRUB may not be familiar names and calls to most of you. They are hams from Hutchinson and old friends Al WØRC. We would like to thank them for joining us this year and invite them back again next year.
Everyone did an outstanding job and we would like to thank you all for your participation.

Steve Weber

  Click here for the story from last year

It was a great event.  More details to follow.

Jim Barry

was at the Law Enforcement
Center handling

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø