United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Membership Meeting....April 28, 2005

John Myers W3MQD volunteered to be the new BAARC Treasurer. John has been a member of the club for many years.

He worked for Motorola, as a technician, and was involved in early cellular telephone technology in the Washington, DC, area many years ago. John, and his wife Vi reside in Pequot Lakes, MN. 

John is well versed in two-way radio and gave a talk to the club on testing radios a few years ago.

David Fournier KCØTGT of Ironton volunteered to be the new BAARC Special Events Coordinator. David received his license last October after a class held by Al WØRC. David works in emergency medical services.

John and David replace Bob KGØZK, who is moving to South Carolina In June. We thank Bob for his service to the club and the new volunteers for taking over his duties.


Jim Talbott
& Program

The next get-together is the Spring Dinner Meeting at The Nisswa American Legion Club on May 26th.  Details.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  Hope to see you there.

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø