United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Membership Meeting on Thursday, September 27, 2007

At this meeting, we honored those area Hams who have 50 or more years in the Ham Radio hobby. 
(l-r) Eldon WØMQO--59 years, Fritz WØKO--50 years, Roger WØWUG--53 years, Brian KØEOU--51 years, Jim KØLIO--50 years, Jim W9VEQ--55 years, John W3MQD--60 years, John WØJGY--52 years, Jim WØYA--54 years, and Lyle KØLFV--50 years.  Congratulations to them all. 
Thanks to Vi Myers, wife of John W3MQD, and Marilyn Amundson, wife of Lyle KØLFV, for serving cake, ice cream, and coffee to the group.
Roger WØWUG showed some of his early rigs including a World War II surplus transmitter.  Roger has been Hamming for 53 years.
John WØJGY has been an advocate of VHF and satellite communications since the beginning of his 52 years in the hobby.
John W3MQD talked about his 60+ years of experience in the hobby while Lyle KØLFV operated a computer to display John's early photos.  Lyle, with 50 years in hamming, gave a great talk too. 
Jim WØYA showed a photo of some of his early home-built equipment some 54 years ago.
Brian KØEOU has been hamming for 51 years and in the process worked all countries to gain the ARRL #1 Award.
Eldon WØMQO, with 59 years in the hobby, recounted his experiences and noted how well piloting airplanes and Ham Radio just seem to go together well. 

Jim Talbott
& Program

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, October 25th, in Room 800 at the Brainerd High School South Campus Building. 

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.


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This page was last updated 09/30/2007  Ø