2017 BAARC Hamfest

The BAARC hosted another successful Hamfest this year. As in the past it was held at the Brainerd National Guard Armory facility.

We had a fantastic set-up and tear-down crew.

Lyle and Al co-chaired the event and handled much of the planning.

Charles and Kathy took over kitchen duties with help from others.

VE testing was provided again as well.

Dave once again handled the PA and ran the announcements as in the past.

Steve and Mitch went to all the repeater sites on Friday and collected our old repeaters (2 of which were sold!)

And true to form…and a true story… a family of about 8 showed up just as we finished cleaning up and packing things away….they asked if they missed the Ham Fest….Steve asked them if they knew what a Hamfest was… they were looking for the Ham Dinner. (N0CRM)…

Thanks everyone for all the help, I am sure we missed a few names here.



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